AI co-write: Calico Jack's lost map and Grandson

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⚠️just an au⚠️

🔠Above and beyond timeline🔠

One day Kwazii was walking around on a solo mission, when he found something, it looked like a map... it was his grandfather's he turned on his octo-watch and called him "I think you dropped something..." Kwazii said into the watch holding the map...

"Oh... uh whoops... was wondering where that went... I'll be there in a moment and we can go together, how does that sound lad?" Calico Jack asked, mostly looking for some time with his grandson "sure" Kwazii said.

Suddenly, as the call ended, A group of pirates attacked kwazii "give the map over, kid" the leader said, she was a brown tabby cat with purple eyes, Kwazii growled he was not gonna disappoint calico Jack that quickly..   

they began to fight, but Kwazii was outnumbered by her group, they tied him up and took the map... Kwazii managed to at Least send an SOS to somebody's octo-watch he didn't know whose... but hopefully they could help him...

Meanwhile, Calico Jack was on his way to where Kwazii had said he was when his octo-watch started beeping an SOS.

Calico Jack looked at his octo-watch and saw that it was Kwazii's SOS signal. He felt a surge of worry and anger. He knew that his grandson was in trouble and that someone had taken his map. He quickly changed his course and followed the signal to a nearby island. He hoped that he was not too late.

He docked his boat on the shore and grabbed his sword. He saw a trail of footprints leading to a cave. He followed them cautiously, ready for anything. He heard voices coming from inside the cave. He recognized one of them as Kwazii's.

"Please, just let me go! You don't know what you're messing with!" Kwazii pleaded.

"Shut up, kid! You're lucky we don't feed you to the sharks! We're going to find your grandfather's treasure and become rich and famous!" the leader of the pirates said. She was a brown tabby cat with purple eyes, just like Kwazii. She looked at the map and smirked. "It says here that the treasure is hidden in a secret chamber under the volcano. Come on, mates, let's go!"

She tossed the map to one of her crew members and left Kwazii tied up in the cave. She and her pirates walked out of the cave, laughing and cheering.

Calico Jack waited until they were gone and then sneaked into the cave. He saw Kwazii tied up to a wooden post. He ran over to him and cut the ropes with his sword.

"Kwazii! Are you alright, lad?" he asked, hugging him.

"Grandpa! I'm so glad to see you! I'm sorry, they took your map!" Kwazii said, hugging him back.

"Don't worry about that, matey. The map is a fake. I made it to trick those scurvy pirates. The real treasure is somewhere else." Calico Jack said, winking.

"Really? Where is it?" Kwazii asked, curious.

"That's a secret, lad. Maybe I'll tell you someday. But for now, we have to stop those pirates from reaching the volcano. It's about to erupt and they don't know it." Calico Jack said, grabbing his sword again.

"Let's go then!" Kwazii said, grabbing his own sword.

They ran out of the cave and followed the pirates' trail to the volcano. They had to stop them before they caused a disaster.

They ran quickly, they saw the pirate group entering the Volcano through a cave, the Volcano looked like it was about to blow "here we go.... I guess" Kwazii told himself. 

they followed them inside...

 They followed them inside the volcano, which was dark and hot. They saw the pirates walking along a narrow path, holding torches and the map. They were looking for the secret chamber that the map had mentioned.

Calico Jack and Kwazii stayed behind them, hiding behind rocks and pillars. They waited for the right moment to attack.

They saw the pirates reach a dead end. There was a large stone door with a skull carved on it.

"This must be it! The secret chamber!" the leader of the pirates said, excited. She pushed the door, but it didn't budge. She looked at the map again and saw a small note on it. It said: "To open the door, say the magic word."

"The magic word? What's that?" she wondered.

She looked at the skull and saw that it had a mouth that could open and close. She guessed that she had to say the magic word into the skull's mouth.

She tried different words, but none of them worked. She tried "please", "open", "treasure", "gold", but nothing happened.

She was getting frustrated and angry. She shouted at the skull, "What's the magic word, you stupid pile of bones?"

Suddenly, the skull's eyes lit up and its mouth opened wide. It said in a loud voice, "The magic word is... BOOM!"

Then, there was a loud explosion and the door blew up. The blast sent the pirates flying back, dropping their torches and the map.

Calico Jack and Kwazii saw this and realized that it was a trap. Calico Jack had rigged the door with explosives to stop anyone from entering the chamber.

They ran towards the pirates, who were stunned and confused. They grabbed their swords and fought them.

"Give up, you scurvy dogs! You'll never get my treasure!" Calico Jack shouted.

"Grandpa, look out!" Kwazii warned him as he saw one of the pirates trying to stab him from behind.

He jumped in front of him and blocked the attack with his sword. He pushed the pirate back and kicked him in the chest.

"Thanks, lad!" Calico Jack said, smiling.

They fought bravely, but they were outnumbered by the pirates. They needed help.

Suddenly, they heard a familiar voice coming from outside the volcano.

"Octonauts to Kwazii! Octonauts to Kwazii! Do you copy?" it said.

It was Captain Barnacles on his octo-watch. He had received Kwazii's SOS signal and had come to rescue him with the rest of the Octonauts.

"Captain! I'm here! Inside the volcano!" Kwazii shouted into his octo-watch.

"Kwazii! Are you alright? We're coming to get you!" Captain Barnacles said.

He and the other Octonauts entered the volcano with their Gups. They saw Calico Jack and Kwazii fighting against the pirates.

They joined them and helped them defeat them. They used their Gup weapons and gadgets to subdue them.

They tied them up and took them outside the volcano. They put them on their boat and sailed away.

Calico Jack and Kwazii hugged each other and thanked the Octonauts for saving them.

"You're welcome, mateys! We're glad you're safe!" Captain Barnacles said.

"Me too, Captain! Me too!" Kwazii said.

They looked at the volcano and saw that it was starting to erupt. Lava and smoke were coming out of it.

They quickly got on their Gups and left before it exploded.

They watched from a safe distance as the volcano erupted in a spectacular display of fire and ash.

They cheered and celebrated their victory.

They had stopped the pirates from reaching Calico Jack's treasure and causing a disaster.

They had also learned an important lesson: that family is more valuable than any treasure in the world.

The End

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