AI co-write: telescope, meteor shower, harsh words and bing (wait what?)

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⚠️Just an au⚠️

one day, Kwazii and Calico Jack were watching a meteor shower, Kwazii looked through the Telescope, but he messed with it too harshly and it collapsed, Calico Jack looked over and only saw kwazii next to the messed up Telescope. 

Calico Jack was furious. He had been looking forward to watching the meteor shower with his grandson, but Kwazii had ruined it. He had knocked over his telescope, the one he had used for years to explore the stars and planets. He had broken it beyond repair.

"Kwazii, you scurvy scallywag!" he shouted. "What have you done? Do you have any idea how much this telescope means to me? Do you have any respect for your grandfather's belongings?"

Kwazii was stunned. He hadn't meant to break the telescope. He had just wanted to get a closer look at the meteors. He had been curious and excited, just like Calico Jack had taught him to be.

"I'm sorry, Grandpa," he said. "I didn't mean to. I was just trying to see better. I didn't know it was so fragile."

Calico Jack snorted. "Fragile? This telescope was stronger than any gup or gadget you've ever seen. It was a pirate's treasure, a gift from your great-grandfather. It was priceless and irreplaceable. And you've destroyed it with your clumsy paws."

Kwazii felt a surge of anger. He didn't think it was fair that Calico Jack was blaming him for everything. He didn't think it was right that Calico Jack was yelling at him for being curious and excited.

"It's not my fault, Grandpa," he said. "It's your fault for leaving it out in the open. It's your fault for not letting me use it properly. It's your fault for being so old and grumpy."

Calico Jack gasped. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He couldn't believe that Kwazii was talking back to him like that. He couldn't believe that Kwazii was being so rude and selfish.

"Kwazii, you ungrateful brat!" he said. "How dare you talk to me like that? How dare you insult me and my telescope? How dare you act like you know better than me?"

Kwazii felt a wave of sadness. He didn't want to fight with Calico Jack. He loved him and admired him. He wanted to make him proud and happy.

But he also felt a pang of hurt. He felt like Calico Jack didn't love him or admire him. He felt like Calico Jack wasn't proud or happy of him.

He felt like he didn't belong with Calico Jack or the Octonauts.

He decided to leave.

"Fine, Grandpa," he said. "If you don't want me here, I'll go away. I'll find another place to watch the stars. A place where I can be myself and have fun."

He turned around and ran towards the nearest gup.

Calico Jack watched him go.

He felt a mix of emotions.

He felt angry that Kwazii had broken his telescope and talked back to him.

He felt sad that Kwazii had left him and run away.

He felt worried that Kwazii might get into trouble or danger.

He felt guilty that he might have pushed Kwazii too far or hurt his feelings.

He decided to follow him.

"Kwazii, wait!" he called out. "Come back! We need to talk!"

He ran after Kwazii, hoping to catch up with him and make up with him.

But he was too late.

Kwazii had already boarded the gup and flown away.

Calico Jack watched him disappear into the night sky.

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