Ai co-write: Climbing argument and Tarantulas

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⚠️Just an au⚠️

One day, Calico Jack and Kwazii were exploring an island when they ran into a tree with some sort of bugs in it, Kwazii got curious and started to climb "Maybe you shouldn't climb that...?" Calico Jack looked at kwazii, Kwazii looked down "Grandad... it's fine... I know what I'm doing" Kwazii smiled "that's too tall of a tree to be climbing lad!" Calico Jack screamed as Kwazii went higher.  

Kwazii reached the top of the tree and looked around. He saw a beautiful view of the island and the ocean. He also saw some furry creatures that looked like spiders.

"Wow! Look at these guys! They're huge!" Kwazii exclaimed.

He reached out his paw to touch one of them, but it moved away. Kwazii followed it, not noticing that he was getting closer to the edge of the branch.

"Kwazii, be careful! Those are tarantulas! They might bite you!" Calico Jack shouted from below.

"Tarantulas? No way! They're awesome!" Kwazii said.

He tried to grab one of them, but it jumped on his face. Kwazii screamed and lost his balance. He fell off the branch and started to plummet towards the ground.

"Kwazii!" Calico Jack cried.

He ran towards the tree and caught Kwazii in his arms. He hugged him tightly and checked if he was okay.

"Are you hurt, lad? Did they bite you?" Calico Jack asked.

"I'm fine, Grandad. I'm sorry. I should have listened to you," Kwazii said.

He looked at his grandfather's worried face and felt guilty. He also felt something crawling on his head. He reached up and pulled off the tarantula that was still clinging to his fur. He threw it away and shuddered.

"Yuck! I hate spiders!" Kwazii said.

Calico Jack chuckled and kissed his forehead.

"It's okay, lad. I'm glad you're safe. You're a brave cat, but sometimes you need to be careful too," Calico Jack said.

"I know, Grandad. I love you," Kwazii said.

"I love you too, lad. Come on, let's go back to the Octopod. I think we've had enough adventure for today," Calico Jack said.

They walked back to their Gups, holding each other's paws. They smiled and looked at the sky.

"Hey, look! There's a rainbow!" Kwazii said.

"That's a good sign, lad. It means everything will be alright," Calico Jack said.

They got in their Gups and headed back to the Octopod, happy to have each other as family.

they told the octonauts what happened, they were glad they were okay.

the end.

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