AI co-write: ⛺Memory Virus at the campout⛺

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⚠️just an au⚠️

One day, Calico Jack and Kwazii were on a camping trip, Kwazii looked around, he suddenly felt weird, he pushed it down and went to sleep, in the morning, Calico Jack got up, but Kwazii was still asleep... it was weird as he was normally the first up out of the two of them, he looked at kwazii as he got up, Kwazii looked at him confused "you slept in..." Calico Jack explained, thinking that was it "uhm... who are you?" Kwazii asked "nice joke, Kwazii" Calico 
Jack said "how do you know my name? oh wait is that my name?" Kwazii asked, calico Jack looked at him.

Calico Jack felt a surge of panic as he realized that Kwazii was not joking. He had somehow lost his memory and did not recognize him. He tried to calm himself and think of what to do. He decided to take Kwazii back to the Octopod and see if the other Octonauts could help.

"Kwazii, listen to me. You're my friend, and we're part of a team called the Octonauts. We explore the ocean and help sea creatures in trouble. We have a base called the Octopod, and that's where we're going now. Do you understand?" Calico Jack said, hoping to jog Kwazii's memory.

Kwazii looked at him with a mix of fear and curiosity. He did not remember anything that Calico Jack said, but he felt a faint sense of familiarity. He decided to trust him, for now.

"Okay, I'll go with you. But I don't remember anything you said. How did this happen to me?" Kwazii asked.

"I don't know, Kwazii. Maybe you got sick or hit your head or something. But don't worry, we'll figure it out and get your memory back. I promise." Calico Jack said, trying to sound confident.

He packed up their camping gear and led Kwazii to their Gup, a submarine-like vehicle that they used to travel underwater. He hoped that seeing the Octopod and the other Octonauts would help Kwazii remember who he was and what he meant to him.

He also contacted the octonauts using the gups radio... "calico Jack what's wrong?" Captain barnacles asked "somethings going on with my grandson, Captain.." Calico Jack said "didn't you say we were friands?" Kwazii looked at Calico jack "You hear what I mean?" calico Jack told barnacles.

Captain Barnacles was shocked to hear that Kwazii had lost his memory. He told Calico Jack to bring him to the Octopod as soon as possible. He also alerted the other Octonauts and asked them to prepare for Kwazii's arrival.

"Kwazii, you're not only my friend, you're also my grandson. You're the son of my daughter, who passed away when you were young. I raised you as my own, and I love you very much." Calico Jack explained, hoping to make Kwazii feel more comfortable.

Kwazii was stunned by this revelation. He felt a surge of emotion, but he did not know what to make of it. He looked at Calico Jack with a mix of confusion and gratitude.

"Thank you for telling me that. I'm sorry I don't remember you or anything else. But I can tell you care about me, and I appreciate that." Kwazii said, trying to be polite.

Calico Jack smiled and hugged him. He felt a pang of sadness, but he also felt hopeful. He knew that Kwazii was still in there, somewhere. He just had to find a way to bring him back.

Kwazii sat in a corner of the ship, should he escape? he didn't know, he soon saw a Octopus shaped thing in the distance "w-what is that?" Kwazii asked... in fear, was it a jail? 

Calico Jack noticed Kwazii's fear and tried to reassure him. He explained that the octopus-shaped thing was the Octopod, their home and headquarters. He told him that there were other Octonauts inside, who were his friends and teammates. He said that they would help him and not hurt him.

"Kwazii, don't be afraid. That's the Octopod, where we live and work. There are other Octonauts inside, who are your friends and teammates. They're waiting for us, and they'll help you and not hurt you." Calico Jack said, hoping to ease Kwazii's anxiety.

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