ai co-write: 🐢Ocean care: Pirates and turtle rescue🐢

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⚠️Just an au⚠️

One day, Calico Jack and His grandson, Kwazii, were hanging out, when they noticed something going on in the water near them...

They saw a turtle that was trapped in a plastic ring. The turtle was flapping its flippers and gasping for air. It looked scared and helpless.

They felt sorry for the turtle and decided to help it. They grabbed their snorkels and masks and jumped into the water. They swam towards the turtle and tried to calm it down.

"Hey, little fella. Don't worry. We're here to help you," Calico Jack said, gently.

"Hi, turtle. We're Octonauts. We explore, rescue and protect," Kwazii said, friendly.

The turtle looked at them and stopped struggling. It seemed to trust them and let them approach it.

Calico Jack took out his pirate knife and carefully cut the plastic ring. He freed the turtle and lifted it up. He smiled and said.

"There you go, matey. You're free now," he said, happy.

The turtle smiled and thanked him. It said.

"Thank you, kind pirates. You saved my life," it said, grateful.

Calico Jack and Kwazii smiled back and said.

"You're welcome, turtle. We're glad to help," they said, happy.

They carried the turtle to the shore and put it on the sand. They checked its shell and flippers and found them to be fine.

"You're lucky, turtle. You don't have any injuries," Kwazii said, relieved.

"That's good, turtle. You can go back to your home now," Calico Jack said, cheerful.

The turtle nodded and said.

"Thank you, pirates. You're very kind and brave. I'll never forget you," it said, emotional.

It hugged them and kissed them. It then slid into the water and swam away.

Calico Jack and Kwazii hugged each other and watched it go. They felt happy and proud of their rescue.

Kwazii smiled and looked at his grandfather "that was a smart idea..." Kwazii said, with a smile "thanks" Calico Jack said.

the end... 

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