AI co-write: Grandpa's Treasure with Quicksand and Quicksilver

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⚠️just an au⚠️

One day, Kwazii was playing with a match because he had nothing better to do, he accidentally burned his paw and dropped the match, it landed on a box, a music box that belonged to Calico Jack, Kwazii's grandfather, Kwazii whimpered as he realized what he had done, Calico Jack walked in and saw Kwazii with a match box and the burning box, he didn't see that kwazii's paw was hurt, he growled and glared at Kwazii.

One day, Kwazii was playing with a match because he had nothing better to do. He accidentally burned his paw and dropped the match. It landed on a box, a music box that belonged to Calico Jack, Kwazii's grandfather. Kwazii whimpered as he realized what he had done. Calico Jack walked in and saw Kwazii with a match box and the burning box. He didn't see that Kwazii's paw was hurt. He growled and glared at Kwazii.

"What have you done, lad? Do you have any idea what this is? This is my music box, the one that played the song of the pirate parrotfish. It was a gift from your grandmother, may she rest in peace. It was the only thing I had left of her, and you burned it to ashes!" said Calico Jack.

"I-I'm sorry, Grandpa. It was an accident, I swear. I was just playing with a match and I dropped it and-" said Kwazii.

"Playing with a match? Are you out of your mind? Do you know how dangerous that is? You could have burned the whole ship down, or worse, yourself!" said Calico Jack.

"But I did burn myself, look!" said Kwazii, showing his paw.

Calico Jack ignored his paw. "That's no excuse, Kwazii. You're a pirate, not a pyromaniac. You should know better than to play with fire. You're careless, irresponsible, and disrespectful. You don't care about anything but yourself and your silly games." said Calico Jack.

"That's not true, Grandpa. I do care. I care about you and the Octonauts and all the creatures we help. I care about this music box too, I didn't mean to ruin it." said Kwazii.

"Well, you did ruin it, Kwazii. And you can't fix it. You can't fix anything. You're a disaster waiting to happen. You're a disgrace to the pirate name." said Calico Jack.

"How can you say that, Grandpa? You're supposed to love me." said Kwazii.

"Love you? How can I love you when you don't love me back? How can I love you when you destroy everything I hold dear?" said Calico Jack.

Kwazii ran away, crying. "Fine! If you don't love me, then I don't love you either! I hate you, Grandpa! I hate you!"

"Go on then, run away! See if I care! You're no grandson of mine!" shouted Calico Jack.

Kwazii ran out of the ship and into the Gup-R, where he took off without telling anyone where he was going. He flew away from the Octopod and towards the nearest island he could find. He didn't care where he went, as long as he got away from Calico Jack and his harsh words. He felt hurt, angry, and betrayed by his grandfather. He felt like he didn't belong anywhere.

He landed on a small island covered with trees and vines. He got out of the Gup-R and walked around aimlessly. He didn't notice the signs that warned him of quicksand. He stepped on a patch of soft ground and sank into it. He struggled to get out, but only sank deeper.

"Help! Help! Somebody help me!" he screamed.

But nobody heard him. Nobody knew where he was. Nobody cared.

Or so he thought.

Kwazii continued to struggle, only sinking deeper with Every movement, he whimpered as he was now chest deep in the sand.

Meanwhile, Calico Jack had sat outside Kwazii's room in anger, Barnacles walked over and sat next to him "what happened? and where is Kwazii? I've been looking for him but I can't find him" Barnacles said, Calico Jack looked at him, Kwazii was missing? "he-he's not on the octopod?" Calico Jack asked "no, he's not... I looked everywhere on the octopod" Barnacles said.

Calico Jack felt a surge of panic and guilt. He realized he had been too harsh on Kwazii, and that he might have driven him away for good. He told Barnacles what had happened, and how he had yelled at Kwazii for burning his music box.

Barnacles looked at Calico Jack "Oh, Calico Jack, I'm sorry to hear that. I know how much that music box meant to you. But you shouldn't have said those things to Kwazii. He's your grandson, and he loves you very much." he said

 "I know, I know. I was angry and hurt, and I didn't think before I spoke. But I didn't mean any of it, Barnacles. I love Kwazii more than anything in the world. He's the best thing that ever happened to me." Calico Jack said.

 "Then you need to tell him that, Calico Jack. You need to find him and apologize." Barnacles told Calico Jack.

 "But where is he? Where could he have gone?" Calico Jack said

"I don't know. But we can track him down with the Gup-Finder. Come on, let's go to the Launch Bay." Barnacles said

Calico Jack and Barnacles ran to the Launch Bay, where they activated the Gup-Finder. It showed them the location of the Gup-R on a small island nearby.

 "There he is! He's on that island over there!" Barnacles said, pointing to it

"Let's go get him!" Calico Jack said with a smile, he was going to get Kwazii back. 

They got into the Gup-A and took off towards the island. They hoped they would find Kwazii safe and sound.

But they didn't know what danger awaited them there.

the arrived at the island, and saw Kwazii chest deep in quick sand "KWAZII!" Calico Jack screamed, Kwazii looked over and whimpered, struggling more to get away from them, only to sink faster. 

Calico Jack and Barnacles jumped out of the Gup-A and ran towards Kwazii. They saw him sinking deeper into the quicksand, and heard him whimpering.

Calico Jack looked at kwazii and put his paw out "Kwazii, don't move! You'll only sink faster!" he said, Kwazii looked at him "Go away! Leave me alone!" Kwazii screamed "Kwazii, please, listen to us. We're here to help you." barnacles said looking for something to help kwazii. 

"No, you're not! You don't care about me! You hate me!" Kwazii growled, tears in eyes" That's not true, Kwazii. We don't hate you. We love you." Calico Jack said.

"No, you don't. You said I was a disaster, a disgrace, a no-good pirate. You said you didn't love me." Kwazii said, crying more, "I was wrong, Kwazii. I was angry and foolish, and I said things I didn't mean. I'm sorry, Kwazii. I'm so sorry." Calico Jack said. 

Kwazii looked at him "Really?" Kwazii said, as he was still sinking "Really. You're my grandson, Kwazii. And you're the best pirate I've ever known. You're brave, loyal, kind, and adventurous. You're everything I ever hoped you would be. And I'm proud of you, Kwazii. So proud." calico Jack said. 

Kwazii sniffed, "you are?" Kwazii said, Calico Jack smiled "Yes, I am. And I love you, Kwazii. So much." Calico Jack said "I love you too, Grandpa." Kwazii siad. 

Calico Jack and Barnacles reached the edge of the quicksand pit. They grabbed a vine and threw it to Kwazii, "Grab the vine, Kwazii!" Barnacles siad.

Kwazii grabbed the vine and held on tight. Calico Jack and Barnacles pulled him out of the quicksand and hugged him.

 "Oh, Kwazii, thank goodness you're safe." Calico Jack siad

"We were so worried about you." Barnacles said

 "I'm sorry, Grandpa. I'm sorry for burning your music box." Kwazii said, crying

 "It's okay, Kwazii. It's just a thing. You're more important to me than any thing." Calico Jack said

 "Really?" Kwazii said

"Really." Calico Jack said.. 

They hugged again and smiled.

The end.

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