AI co-write: Calico Jack VS evil pirates

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Kwazii was walking around an island when some pirates Came out of nowhere "isn't he Calico Jack's grandson?" one of them said "we should take him hostage, Calico Jack will want him back and we can use that to get the treasure map from him" Kwazii heard another say he knew he was outnumbered, but he grandfather did teach him a few things.. 

He fought with them for a while, but they got the upper hand and tied him up and took him on there ship..

Meanwhile, Calico Jack was on his ship, waiting for Kwazii to return. He had left him on the island to explore and have some fun, while he went to check on some old pirate friends. He had told Kwazii to be back by sunset, but it was already dark and there was no sign of him.

He felt a pang of worry and fear. He wondered what had happened to his grandson, and where he was. He decided to go look for him. He took his radio and his sword, and got into a small boat. He rowed to the island, calling out "Kwazii! Kwazii! Where are you?"

He reached the shore, where he saw some footprints and signs of a struggle. He followed them, hoping to find Kwazii. He reached a clearing, where he saw a group of pirates laughing and drinking around a fire. He also saw Kwazii tied to a pole, bruised and battered, but still alive.

He felt a surge of anger and rage. He recognized the pirates as his old enemies, who had tried to steal his treasure map many times before. He realized that they had kidnapped Kwazii and were planning to use him as a bargaining chip.

He decided to rescue Kwazii and teach the pirates a lesson. He sneaked up behind them, using the cover of the trees and the darkness. He waited for the right moment, then jumped out and attacked them.

He shouted "Let go of my grandson, you scurvy dogs! Or I'll make you walk the plank!"

He swung his sword, cutting through the ropes that bound Kwazii. He grabbed Kwazii and said "Are you okay, lad? Can you walk?"

Kwazii nodded and said "I'm okay, grandpa. Thanks for saving me."

Calico Jack smiled and said "You're welcome, lad. Come on, let's get out of here."

They ran towards the boat, dodging the pirates' attacks. They reached the boat and got in. They rowed away from the island, leaving the pirates behind.

They reached Calico Jack's ship and got on board. They hugged each other and said "I'm glad you're safe."

They said "I love you."

They smiled at each other.

They both felt happy.

They both felt loved.

but they didn't see that one of the pirates had gotten on, when calico Jack wasn't looking the pirate snuck up behind kwazii, tied his legs up "HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Kwazii growled, Calico Jack looked over, just as the evil pirate threw kwazii over board.  

Calico Jack saw Kwazii being thrown overboard and felt a shock of horror and panic. He saw the pirate who had done it and felt a surge of fury and hate. He grabbed his sword and stabbed the pirate in the chest, killing him instantly.

He then ran to the edge of the ship and looked for Kwazii. He saw him struggling in the water, trying to free himself from the ropes. He shouted "Kwazii! Kwazii! Hold on, lad! I'm coming!"

He jumped into the water and swam towards Kwazii. He reached him and cut the ropes with his knife. He grabbed Kwazii and said "Are you okay, lad? Can you breathe?"

Kwazii nodded and said "I'm okay, grandpa. Thanks for saving me again."

Calico Jack smiled and said "You're welcome, lad. Come on, let's get back to the ship."

They swam back to the ship, where they saw Peso and Shellington waiting for them with a ladder and a blanket. They had heard Calico Jack's radio call for help and had come to assist him.

They helped Calico Jack and Kwazii climb up the ladder and get on board. They wrapped them in the blanket and checked them for injuries.

They said "Are you okay, Calico Jack? Are you okay, Kwazii?"

They nodded and said "We're okay, mates. Thanks for coming."

They hugged them and said "You're welcome, Calico Jack. You're welcome, Kwazii."

They looked at each other and said "What happened? How did you escape?"

They told them what had happened, how they had been kidnapped by pirates, how Calico Jack had rescued Kwazii, how they had escaped from the island, how a pirate had sneaked on board and thrown Kwazii overboard, how Calico Jack had saved Kwazii again.

They listened to them and said "Wow... that's a lot... you're very lucky... you're very brave..."

They smiled and said "Thank you... thank you..."

They looked at each other and said "I'm sorry... I'm sorry for putting you in danger... I'm sorry for worrying you..."

They said "It's okay... it's okay... it's over now... we're together now..."

They said "I'm proud of you... I'm proud of you for being brave... I'm proud of you for saving me..."

They said "I'm proud of you too... I'm proud of you for being strong... I'm proud of you for surviving..."

They looked at each other and said "I love you... I love you more than anything in the world..."

They smiled at each other.

They both felt happy.

They both felt loved.

The end.

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