Ai co-write: Fighting and loving, Rescues and saving: Pirates

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⚠️Just an au⚠️

Kwazii was hearing a story by Calico Jack, his grandfather, but he had questions "if this is true... why would Your Sister do that?" Kwazii asked "Cause she was a backstabbing moron..." Calico Jack told Kwazii "and I hope you never meet her" Calico jack says, putting his paw on kwazii's shoulder "Are you sure you're not exaggerating her betrayal a little? she's your sister" Kwazii asked "no..." Calico Jack sighed, and they got into an argument about it, causing kwazii to run off.. 

He did have a solo Mission sent a few moments ago by barnacles, he went to do it, he went the Bermuda triangle, just looking into the water he saw a couple shrimp-like creatures coming near the surface, a storm soon started, causing kwazii to fall out of the gup B and into the stormy waters. 

Kwazii felt the water engulf him and drag him down. He tried to swim up, but the waves were too strong and the current was too fast. He saw the shrimp-like creatures swarm around him, and realized they were not friendly. They had sharp claws and teeth, and they looked hungry. They started to nip at him, drawing blood. Kwazii screamed and kicked them away, but there were too many of them. He felt his strength and his air running out.

Calico Jack saw Kwazii run off and felt a pang of regret. He didn't mean to upset his grandson, he just wanted to tell him the truth about his sister. He loved Kwazii more than anything in the world, and he didn't want him to get hurt by her. He decided to go after him and apologize.

He ran to his ship and saw the Gup-B flying away. He grabbed his radio and tried to contact Kwazii. "Kwazii, lad, are you there? Can you hear me?" he said. There was no answer. He looked at his radar and saw that Kwazii was heading towards the Bermuda Triangle. He felt a surge of worry. He knew that place was dangerous and full of mysteries. He hoped Kwazii would be careful.

He followed him in his ship, hoping to catch up with him soon. He saw the storm clouds gathering in the sky, and felt a chill in his bones. He knew storms were common in the Bermuda Triangle, and they could be very violent. He hoped Kwazii would be safe.

He reached the storm zone and saw the Gup-B flying erratically. He saw a lightning bolt strike it, making it lose power and fall into the water. He gasped and said, "Kwazii!" He sped up his ship and got closer to the water. He saw Kwazii fall out of the Gup-B and disappear into the waves. He saw the shrimp-like creatures attack him, and felt a surge of anger and fear. He grabbed his harpoon gun and jumped into the water.

He swam as fast as he could, shooting at the shrimp-like creatures. He reached Kwazii and grabbed him. He saw that he was unconscious and bleeding from several wounds. He felt his pulse and his breathing, and felt relieved that he was still alive, but barely. He swam back to his ship, carrying Kwazii.

the stormy waters made it hard to get back to the ship, and the shrimp chased him Aswell, but they couldn't catch him, and he made it to the ship "Kwazii" he yelled shaking him, Kwazii didn't awake, and he didn't seem to be breathing either.

Calico Jack quickly bandaged the wounds on kwazii's body, after he was done kwazii still wasn't waking up and he still didn't seem to be breathing either.

he didn't see the Ginger female cat behind him, it was Miska, Calico Jack's sister, as soon as Calico Jack was not watching kwazii, she threw kwazii back into  the water...

Calico Jack heard a splash and turned around. He saw Kwazii in the water, sinking deeper into the abyss. He also saw Miska, his sister, standing on his ship, holding a knife. He felt a surge of shock and rage. He recognized her as the one who betrayed him and his crew years ago, and left them to die. He never forgave her for that, and he never wanted to see her again.

"Miska!" he shouted. "What have you done?!"

Miska smirked and said, "Hello, brother. Long time no see. I see you have a new crew now. And a grandson. How sweet. Too bad he won't live to see another day."

Calico Jack growled and said, "You monster! How dare you hurt him! He's innocent! He's nothing to do with our past!"

Miska shrugged and said, "Oh, but he does. He's your weakness. And I'm here to exploit it. I'm here to take your treasure map, your ship, and your life. And I'll start by taking his."

Calico Jack didn't waste any time. He grabbed his harpoon gun and shot at Miska. Miska dodged the harpoon and threw her knife at Calico Jack. Calico Jack ducked and avoided the knife. He ran towards Miska and tackled her. They fell to the ground, wrestling for the knife.

Kwazii felt the water fill his lungs and his mind fade away. He thought he was dead, until he felt something grab him and pull him up. He opened his eyes and saw a familiar face. It was Captain Barnacles, his friend and leader of the Octonauts.

"Kwazii!" Barnacles said. "Hang in there, buddy! You're going to be okay!"

Kwazii coughed and said, "Barnacles... how did you... find me?"

Barnacles said, "We tracked your Gup-B's signal. We saw it crash into the water. We came as fast as we could."

Kwazii said, "Thank you... but what about... my grandpa?"

Barnacles looked at Calico Jack's ship and saw him fighting with Miska. He said, "Don't worry, Kwazii. We'll help him too."

He swam with Kwazii to the Octopod, where Peso was waiting for them.

Meanwhile, Calico Jack was fighting with Miska "HEY!" he heard a voice say, it was Shellington of the octonauts! "Shellington... She-she..." he couldn't say that she killed kwazii.. "If you're about to say, 'she killed kwazii' Barnacles saved him" Shellington told him, Miska growled in anger, Calico Jack felt himself collapse in relief.

Miska saw Calico Jack collapse and thought he was dead. She smiled and said, "Well, that was easier than I thought. Now I can take his map and his ship, and leave this place." She got up and walked towards the map, which was lying on the floor.

Shellington saw her and said, "Stop right there! You're not going anywhere!" He grabbed a wrench and threw it at her. Miska dodged the wrench and said, "Get out of my way, you nerd! You don't know who you're messing with!"

She ran towards Shellington and kicked him in the stomach. Shellington fell to the ground, groaning. Miska picked up the knife and said, "Now, where were we?"

She raised the knife and prepared to stab Shellington. She didn't see Calico Jack get up and grab his harpoon gun. He aimed at Miska and pulled the trigger. The harpoon hit Miska in the back, making her drop the knife. She screamed and fell to the ground, blood gushing out of her wound.

Calico Jack walked towards her and said, "You're not going anywhere, Miska. You're going to pay for what you've done. To me, to my crew, and to my grandson."

Miska looked at him with fear and hatred. She said, "You... you're still alive... how?"

Calico Jack said, "I'm not that easy to kill, sister. And neither is Kwazii. He's alive too, thanks to the Octonauts."

Miska said, "No... no... that's impossible..."

Calico Jack said, "It's true. And you'll never hurt him again. Or anyone else."

He pointed the harpoon gun at her head and said, "Goodbye, Miska."

He pulled the trigger.

The end.

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