AI co-write: Blue ringed octopus attack on pirates

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⚠️Just an au⚠️

Kwazii was doing a solo mission in the water, when he felt a bite on his leg, he saw the octopus in the sand in the bottom of the ocean, he swam away, and somehow made it to an island, he coughed and gasped... somebody heard him and recognized him as Calico Jack's grandson....

it was Calico Jack's old friand, Blei... he asked kwazii what happened and kwazii told him everything and Blei went to look for calico jack who he knew was also on the island. 

Blei left Kwazii on the beach and ran to find Calico Jack. He knew he had to hurry, as the blue-ringed octopus venom could cause paralysis and death in a matter of minutes. He hoped Kwazii would stay conscious and keep breathing.

He spotted Calico Jack at a nearby market, buying some souvenirs. He shouted his name and waved his arms.

"Calico Jack! Calico Jack! Where are you?" he yelled.

Calico Jack turned around and saw Blei running towards him. He recognized him as an old friend from his pirate days.

"Blei? Is that you? What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Calico Jack, there's no time to explain! Your grandson, Kwazii, he's been bitten by a blue-ringed octopus! He's on the beach, he needs your help!" Blei said.

"What? Kwazii? A blue-ringed octopus? Oh no, this is terrible!" Calico Jack exclaimed.

He dropped his bags and followed Blei to the beach. He felt a surge of fear and panic. He hoped Kwazii was all right.

They reached the beach and saw Kwazii lying on the sand, clutching his leg. He looked pale and sweaty, and his breathing was shallow and rapid.

"Kwazii! What happened?" Calico Jack asked, rushing to his side.

"Grandpa...I...I was on a mission...I saw an bit me..." Kwazii said weakly.

"Oh, Kwazii, you poor boy! Why did you go near that octopus? It's very dangerous. It has a venom that can paralyze you and stop your heart." Calico Jack said.

"I...I didn't was the sand..." Kwazii said.

"You're a brave lad, Kwazii, but you should have been more careful. Blue-ringed octopuses are very deadly. There's no antivenom for their venom. We have to get you some help. Don't worry." Calico Jack said.

He took out his spyglass and pointed it at the sky. He hoped someone would see his signal and come to their rescue.

Meanwhile, on the Octopod, Captain Barnacles was monitoring the mission when he saw a flash of light from Calico Jack's spyglass. He zoomed in and saw that he was waving frantically. He also saw Kwazii lying motionless on the sand.

"Octonauts, we have an emergency!" he shouted. "Calico Jack needs our help! Kwazii has been bitten by a blue-ringed octopus!"

He quickly gathered Peso, Shellington, and Tweak and boarded the Gup-A. They sped towards the island, following Calico Jack's signal.

"Calico Jack, what happened?" Captain Barnacles asked through the radio.

"Kwazii has been bitten by a blue-ringed octopus! He's in a lot of pain and his condition is worsening!" Calico Jack replied.

"Hang in there, Calico Jack! We're almost there!" Captain Barnacles said.

Kwazii coughed and gasped, his eyes started to close, Calico Jack and Blei looked at each other then kwazii.

 Calico Jack and Blei watched as Kwazii's eyes closed and his breathing slowed down. They feared the worst.

"Kwazii! Kwazii! Stay with me, my boy! Don't you dare give up!" Calico Jack said, shaking him gently.

"Come on, Kwazii! You can do this! You're a fighter!" Blei said, patting his shoulder.

They tried to keep Kwazii awake and alive, but they knew they were running out of time. They prayed for the Octonauts to arrive soon.

Meanwhile, the Octonauts were getting closer to the island. They saw Calico Jack's signal and headed towards it.

"Peso, are you ready?" Captain Barnacles asked.

"Yes, Captain. I have my first aid kit and my medical scanner. But I don't know if I can do much for Kwazii. There's no antivenom for blue-ringed octopus venom." Peso said.

"We'll do our best, Peso. We can't give up on Kwazii." Captain Barnacles said.

They reached the island and saw Calico Jack and Blei on the beach with Kwazii. Peso jumped out of the Gup-A with his equipment and swam over to them.

"Peso, thank goodness you're here!" Calico Jack said. "Please, save my grandson!"

Peso nodded and scanned Kwazii's leg. He saw a small bite mark where the octopus had bitten him. He also saw that Kwazii's vital signs were very low.

"He's been poisoned by the octopus venom. It's affecting his nervous system and his heart. He's in a critical condition." Peso said.

"Is there anything you can do?" Calico Jack asked.

"I'll try to ease his pain and keep him stable until we get him back to the Octopod. Maybe Shellington can find a way to counteract the venom." Peso said.

He gave Kwazii an injection of painkiller and a dose of oxygen. He then wrapped him in a blanket and carried him to the Gup-A.

"Let's go, Octonauts! We have to hurry!" Peso said.

The Octonauts boarded the Gup-A and took off from the island. They thanked Blei for his help and promised to keep him updated on Kwazii's condition.

They sped back to the Octopod, hoping for a miracle.

Kwazii's eyes closed, Calico Jack and Peso looked over to him, Peso checked his vitals.

Peso checked Kwazii's vitals and frowned. They were dropping fast.

"His heart rate is slowing down. He's going into cardiac arrest!" Peso said.

"What? No! Kwazii, no!" Calico Jack said.

Peso grabbed a defibrillator and placed the pads on Kwazii's chest. He pressed a button and delivered a shock to Kwazii's heart.

"Come on, Kwazii! Come on!" Peso said.

He checked Kwazii's pulse again and shook his head. It was still weak and irregular.

"It's not working. He needs another shock." Peso said.

He pressed the button again and shocked Kwazii's heart a second time.

"Please, Kwazii, please!" Peso said.

He checked Kwazii's pulse again and smiled. It was strong and steady.

"He's alive! He's alive!" Peso exclaimed.

Calico Jack hugged Peso and thanked him. He then looked at Kwazii and saw him open his eyes.

"Grandpa?" Kwazii said weakly.

"Kwazii! You're awake! You're okay!" Calico Jack said, tears in his eyes.

He hugged Kwazii and kissed his forehead.

"I'm so glad you're okay, my boy! I love you so much!"

"I love you too, Grandpa," Kwazii said.

The other Octonauts joined them and expressed their relief and happiness. They reached the Octopod and took Kwazii to the sick bay for further treatment.

Shellington managed to find a way to neutralize the octopus venom and gave it to Kwazii. He also gave him some fluids and vitamins to help him recover.

Kwazii recovered quickly from his ordeal and thanked everyone for saving him. He also learned to be more careful around blue-ringed octopuses and other poisonous animals.

The end.

Octonauts oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें