AI co-write: poachers and.... (part 2)

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⚠️just an au⚠️

🔠above and beyond timeline🔠

"He was kidnapped by poachers, Captain. They did something to him. He's been unconscious for a while." Calico Jack explained.

"That's terrible! Quick, bring him to the sick bay. I'll examine him right away." Peso said.

He led the way to the sick bay, where he put Kwazii on a bed. He scanned him with his medical scanner and looked at the results.

"Oh no, this is bad. This is very bad." he said.

"What?! What's wrong?!" Calico Jack asked in worry, what was going to happen to kwazii? what did the poachers do? "Peso..?" Calico Jack looked at Peso.   

Peso looked at Calico Jack and sighed. He wished he had better news, but he had to be honest.

"I'm sorry, Captain Jack. I'm afraid Kwazii has been injected with a dangerous substance. It's a type of poison that affects the nervous system. It causes paralysis, pain, and hallucinations. It can be fatal if not treated soon." he said.

Calico Jack gasped and felt his heart sink. His grandson, his Kwazii, was in danger. In danger of dying.

"Can you save him, matey? Can you save him?" he asked, desperately.

"I'll do my best, Captain Jack. I'll do my best. But I can't guarantee anything. This poison is very rare and very powerful. I don't have an antidote for it." Peso said.

He looked at the other Octonauts, who were also worried about Kwazii's fate. They nodded and gave him their support.

"You can do it, Peso. You're the best medic in the ocean." Barnacles said.

"We believe in you, Peso. You've saved Kwazii before." Dashi said.

"We're here for you, Peso. You're not alone." Shellington said.

Peso smiled and thanked them. He felt a surge of courage and determination.

He put on his protective gloves and mask and picked up his syringe.

"Alright, let's do this." he said.

He carefully injected Kwazii with a dose of medicine that he hoped would counteract the poison. He monitored his vital signs and waited for a reaction.

He waited for a miracle.

He waited for a long time, but nothing happened. Kwazii remained unconscious and motionless. His breathing was shallow and his heartbeat was weak.

Peso frowned and shook his head sadly.

"It's not working. The poison is too strong. I need to try something else." he said.

He searched his medical database for any information on the poison that Kwazii had been injected with. He found a few records of similar cases, but none of them had a happy ending.

He felt a pang of despair and frustration. He felt like he was running out of options and time.

He felt like he was failing Kwazii.

Suddenly, Kwazii began to move in pain, he was still unconscious... 

Suddenly, Kwazii began to move in pain. He was still unconscious, but his body was twitching and convulsing. He let out a low moan and a high-pitched scream.

He was having a seizure.

Peso quickly grabbed a pair of padded tongs and held Kwazii's head steady. He tried to prevent him from biting his tongue or hurting himself.

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