AI co-write: Stormy cliff fall

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⚠️just an au⚠️

One day Calico Jack and, His grandson, Kwazii were looking for a rare flower, it only grew near cliffs, a storm was starting "maybe we should go back to the hut... it's getting too stormy" Calico Jack said, Kwazii looked at him as he continued forward, he didn't see the cliff behind him, until he started to fall. 

Kwazii landed on a ledge deep in the cliff, his leg hurt a lot, he tried to get up but he couldn't, he looked down and saw a river, he couldn't tell if it was flooding or not, but it didn't look like any danger yet.. "Kwazii! are you okay lad?!" Calico Jack yelled down, Kwazii looked up "yeah!" Kwazii told him, he wasn't going to say anything about the injury... at least not until it became more important, Kwazii tried to get up again, but only growled in pain "Kwazii?" calico Jack looked at his grandson.

"I'm fine..." Kwazii lied, Calico Jack sighed and looked around for a way to help kwazii.

Calico Jack spotted a rope hanging from a nearby tree. He grabbed it and tied it to a sturdy branch. He then threw the other end of the rope down to Kwazii.

"Grab this, lad!" he shouted. "I'll pull you up!"

Kwazii reached for the rope, but his injured leg made it hard to move. He managed to wrap the rope around his arm, but he couldn't hold on very well.

"Ow! Grandpa, it hurts!" he cried.

"Hang in there, lad!" Calico Jack said, pulling the rope with all his might. "You can do it!"

He slowly lifted Kwazii up from the ledge, but the storm was getting worse. The wind was blowing hard and the rain was pouring down. The rope was slippery and wet.

"Grandpa, I can't hold on much longer!" Kwazii said, feeling his grip loosening.

"Don't let go, lad!" Calico Jack said, reaching for him. "I'm almost there!"

He stretched his arm and grabbed Kwazii's hand. He pulled him up and hugged him tightly.

"I've got you, lad!" he said, relieved. "You're safe now!"

"Thank you, Grandpa!" Kwazii said, sobbing. "You saved me!"

They looked at each other and smiled. They were both soaked and shivering, but they were happy to be alive.

"Come on, lad," Calico Jack said, helping Kwazii stand up. "Let's get out of this storm."

He noticed that Kwazii was limping and saw blood on his leg.

"What happened to your leg?" he asked, concerned.

"I-I think I broke it when I fell," Kwazii said, wincing.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Calico Jack asked, frowning.

"I-I didn't want to worry you," Kwazii said, looking down.

"Kwazii, you should have told me," Calico Jack said, gently. "I'm your grandfather. I care about you."

He wrapped his coat around Kwazii's leg and lifted him up.

"Don't worry, lad," he said, carrying him. "I'll take you to the hut and fix you up."

They made their way back to the hut, where Calico Jack bandaged Kwazii's leg and gave him some medicine.

"There you go, lad," he said, tucking him in bed. "You'll be fine in no time."

"Thank you, Grandpa," Kwazii said, smiling weakly. "You're the best."

"No, lad," Calico Jack said, kissing his forehead. "You're the best."

They hugged each other and fell asleep.

in the morning, Kwazii was still asleep, Calico Jack stayed near him, Protecting him.

the end...

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