AI co-write: blue-ringed octopus dive

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🥲I need new ideas...🥲

⚠️just an au⚠️

🔠Above and beyond timeline🔠

One day, Calico Jack and Kwazii were diving around, to check a sunken island for creatures, Kwazii didn't see the octopus behind him, it was a blue-ringed octopus, he swam backwards not knowing it was there, Calico Jack looked at Kwazii and saw something behind him but didn't know what it was.

As Kwazii swam backwards, he felt a sharp pain in his arm. He looked down and saw the blue-ringed octopus clinging to his skin, its rings flashing brightly. He screamed and shook it off, but it was too late. The octopus had injected its venom into his bloodstream. Calico Jack heard Kwazii's scream and swam over to him. He saw the octopus swimming away and recognized it as one of the most poisonous animals in the world. He grabbed Kwazii and checked his pulse. It was weak and irregular. He knew they had to get to the surface as soon as possible. He put his mouth over Kwazii's and blew air into his lungs. He wrapped his arms around Kwazii's chest and kicked his legs, propelling them upwards. He hoped that Kwazii would survive the ascent and that the Octopod was nearby. He prayed that there was something they could do to save him.

he got to the surface and pressed a button on his octo-watch, sounding the octo-alert, he soon saw the other octonauts on the screen.

The other octonauts saw Calico Jack and Kwazii on the screen. They noticed that Kwazii was unconscious and pale. They heard Calico Jack's voice, sounding panicked and urgent.

"Octonauts, we have an emergency! Kwazii has been stung by a blue-ringed octopus! He's not breathing and his heart is failing! We need to get him to the Octopod right now!"

The octonauts gasped and sprang into action. Captain Barnacles ordered the Gup-A to launch and head to their location. Peso grabbed his medical kit and ran to the launch bay. Shellington looked up the blue-ringed octopus on the Octopedia and searched for a possible antidote. Dashi, Tweak, and Professor Inkling stayed on the Octopod and prepared the sick bay.

"Hang in there, Kwazii!" Peso said as he boarded the Gup-A with Captain Barnacles. "We're coming to get you!"

Calico Jack kept performing CPR on Kwazii as he waited for the Gup-A to arrive. He hoped that they would make it in time. He hoped that Kwazii would pull through. He hoped that his grandson would live.

he saw the gup A coming closer to the island he had gotten kwazii to, he looked at it as it came closer.

Calico Jack waved his arms to signal the Gup-A. He saw Captain Barnacles and Peso jump out of the gup and swim towards him. They reached the island and climbed onto the shore. They saw Kwazii lying on the sand, still and silent.

"Calico Jack, what happened?" Captain Barnacles asked.

"He was stung by a blue-ringed octopus, Captain. I've been trying to keep him alive, but he's not responding. He needs help, fast!" Calico Jack said.

Peso checked Kwazii's vital signs with his stethoscope. He shook his head sadly.

"His pulse is very faint and his breathing is shallow. He's in critical condition. We have to get him to the Octopod right away!"

He took out a stretcher and a oxygen mask from his medical kit. He and Captain Barnacles carefully lifted Kwazii onto the stretcher and put the mask over his face. They carried him to the Gup-A and placed him inside.

"Calico Jack, you come with us. We'll need your help," Captain Barnacles said.

Calico Jack nodded and followed them into the gup. He sat next to Kwazii and held his hand.

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