AI co-write: bees, giant clams, Wally, feeling crazy

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⚠️Just an au⚠️

"Okay little guys, this is the last one..." Kwazii said, as he put some honey in a bottle, he had already hidden some in the kitchen for his little surprise for his friands, except the bees got angry and started to sting him, the other octonauts got into the gup-E, ready for a mission, but they started to get stung as well.. Kwazii hid the honey bottles he got so he didn't ruin the surprise... Barnacles glared at Kwazii "what have you done?" Barnacles growled "I..." Kwazii started to say, but Peso slapped him "GOOD JOB NOW MOST OF US ARE INJURED WHY ARE YOU EVEN HERE?" Peso said...

Kwazii felt hurt and confused by Peso's words. He had always considered him as his best friend, but now he was acting like he hated him. He tried to explain that he was only collecting some honey for a surprise, but the other Octonauts wouldn't listen. They blamed him for releasing the bees and causing a disaster. They told him to get out of the Gup-E and stay away from them. Kwazii felt tears in his eyes as he grabbed his pirate hat and left the Gup-E. He didn't know where to go or what to do. He felt alone and betrayed.

He swam aimlessly in the ocean, trying to avoid the angry bees that were still following him. He saw a sunken ship in the distance and decided to hide there. He hoped that the bees would leave him alone and that the other Octonauts would calm down and forgive him. He entered the ship and looked around. It was dark and dusty, but it had some interesting things inside. He saw some old paintings, some broken furniture, and some shiny coins. He wondered who owned the ship and what happened to them.

He was about to explore more when he heard a loud snap. He turned around and saw that his tail was caught in a giant clam. He tried to pull it out, but it was too tight. He felt a sharp pain in his tail and started to panic. He reached for his communicator and called the Octonauts for help.

"Octonauts, this is Kwazii! I'm trapped in a giant clam in a sunken ship! I need help!" he shouted.

There was a silence on the other end. Then, he heard Barnacles' voice.

"Kwazii, is this another one of your tricks? Are you trying to make us feel sorry for you?" Barnacles asked.

"No, Captain, I'm telling the truth! I'm really stuck here! Please, come and save me!" Kwazii pleaded.

"Sorry, Kwazii, but we don't believe you. You've lied to us before and caused enough trouble. You're on your own now. Goodbye." Barnacles said, and hung up.

Kwazii couldn't believe what he heard. The Octonauts had abandoned him. They didn't care about him anymore. They didn't want him back. He felt a surge of anger, sadness, and fear. He started to cry.

"Help! Somebody help me!" he sobbed.

Meanwhile, Calico Jack, Kwazii's grandfather, was sailing on his pirate ship near the Octopod. He had come to visit his grandson and see how he was doing. He had heard from Professor Inkling that Kwazii was doing a great job as an Octonaut and that he was very proud of him. Calico Jack wanted to surprise Kwazii and give him a hug.

He was about to dock his ship when he saw a swarm of bees flying around the Octopod. He wondered what was going on and decided to investigate. He took out his binoculars and looked at the Gup-E. He saw the other Octonauts inside, looking angry and hurt. He also saw some honey bottles on the floor.

He realized that Kwazii must have been collecting some honey for his friends, but something went wrong and the bees got loose. He knew that Kwazii loved honey and often shared it with others. He also knew that Kwazii sometimes made mistakes, but he always meant well.

He decided to call Kwazii and see if he was okay. He took out his communicator and dialed his number.

"Kwazii, this is your grandpa Calico Jack! Are you there?" he said.

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