AI co-write: Virus and Blackbeard

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⚠️just an au⚠️

❌Another version of: Virus and Kidnappings, but again with a different storyline❌


one day, Kwazii was on a campout with his grandfather, Calico Jack, he had walked away to explore... he soon found a beach, he looked at the water and saw some fish, they looked off... Kwazii walked over "Are you okay?" Kwazii asked, one of the fish coughed before Answering "uh, no... we're kind of... sick..." the fish said, one of the fish which had looked unconscious opened its eyes and looked scared... Kwazii walked over to calm it down, but it bit him...   

"Sorry if I scared you..." Kwazii said pulling his paw back... "it's fine..." the fish coughed out, Kwazii walked back to the camp to ask his grandfather if he could help him move the fish to the octopod, but as he got close to the campsite, he felt dizzy and leaned onto a tree, Calico Jack looked over and noticed something was wrong "Kwazii? are you okay?" Calico Jack asked. 

Kwazii shook his head and tried to smile. "I'm fine, Granddad. Just a bit tired, that's all." He lied. He didn't want to worry his grandfather or ruin their camping trip. He hoped that the fish bite was nothing serious and that it would heal soon.

He followed Calico Jack to their tent and sat down on his sleeping bag. He felt a sudden chill and wrapped himself in a blanket. He looked at his paw and saw that the bite mark was red and swollen. He felt a sharp pain in his chest and coughed.

Calico Jack heard him and turned around. He saw Kwazii's pale face and feverish eyes. He felt his forehead and gasped. "Kwazii, you're burning up! What happened to you?" He asked, alarmed.

Kwazii hesitated, then decided to tell the truth. "I... I met some sick fish on the beach. One of them bit me. I think I caught their virus." He said weakly.

Calico Jack's eyes widened. "A virus? That's not good, Kwazii. We need to get you to the Octopod right away. You need medical attention." He said, grabbing his radio.

He contacted Captain Barnacles and told him the situation. The captain was shocked and concerned. He told Calico Jack to stay where they were and that he would send the Gup-A to pick them up.

Calico Jack thanked him and hung up. He looked at Kwazii, who was shivering and sweating. He hugged him gently and whispered, "Don't worry, Kwazii. You'll be fine. The Octonauts will find a cure for you. I won't let anything happen to you."

Kwazii smiled weakly and closed his eyes. He hoped his grandfather was right.

Kwazii coughed, Calico Jack looked at him, and then checked around for the octonauts, he hoped they were close... Calico Jack looked back at Kwazii, who was unconscious...

Calico Jack heard a loud splash and looked up. He saw the Gup-A emerge from the water and land on the beach. He saw Captain Barnacles, Peso, and Shellington get out of the vehicle and run towards him.

"Calico Jack, we're here to help!" Captain Barnacles said, saluting.

"Thank goodness you're here, Captain. Kwazii is very sick. He needs your help." Calico Jack said, pointing at his grandson.

Peso gasped and ran to Kwazii's side. He took out his medical kit and examined him. He saw the bite mark on his paw and the fever in his eyes. He felt his pulse and listened to his breathing.

"He's infected with a virus, all right. And it's spreading fast. We need to get him to the Octopod as soon as possible." Peso said, worried.

Shellington nodded and took out his scanner. He scanned the virus and analyzed it. He frowned and shook his head.

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