AI co-write: the cursed treasure of the Blue Moon

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🔠Above and beyond timeline🔠

⚠️just an au⚠️

one day, calico Jack and Kwazii went on a treasure hunt, Kwazii walked into the cave and found a small box, he opened it thinking it was a clue, it was just a small box filled with a few gems, the box also unleashed a blue dust cloud that blinded kwazii, he ran out the cave and showed his grandfather what he found "good job, lad" Calico Jack smiled,  Suddenly, Kwazii screamed for no reason "uhm... you okay?" Calico Jack asked "yeah... just saw... a spider" Kwazii told him in fear, Calico Jack looked around, they were not on an island that had spiders, he sighed and he and kwazii went back to the cabin for the rest of the sleepover.

that night he noticed kwazii acting weird while asleep, he was shaking in fear "Kwazii, Kwazii wake up!" Calico Jack said, waking him up, Kwazii looked at him and backed up in fear, seemingly scared of him "hey, Lad it's alright, it's me, your grandfather..." Calico Jack said, calming him down, he hugged him close "what happened?" he asked, Kwazii told him that weird things happened in his dreams, with random voices saying he was not a true pirate and calico jack lies when he says he cares about him "I do care, lad,  your my grandson" Calico Jack said, as he sounded the octo-alert using his octo-watch, something was up with kwazii and he needed help to help him.

The Octonauts arrived at Calico Jack's cabin, where they found him and Kwazii.

"Calico Jack, what's going on?" Barnacles asked.

"It's Kwazii, Captain," Calico Jack said. "He's not himself. He's been having nightmares and hallucinations, and he's scared of everything."

"What happened to him?" Peso asked.

"He found a cursed treasure in a cave," Calico Jack said. "I think it's affecting his mind."

"A cursed treasure?" Inkling said. "That sounds like a legend I've heard of. The treasure of the Blue Moon."

"What's that?" Dashi asked.

"It's an ancient treasure that was hidden by a pirate king long ago," Inkling said. "He put a curse on it, so that anyone who touched it would be haunted by their worst fears and doubts. The only way to break the curse is to return the treasure to its original place, under the light of the blue moon."

"A blue moon?" Tweak asked.

"It's a rare phenomenon, when there are two full moons in one month," Inkling said. "The second one is called the blue moon. And tonight is the night of the blue moon."

"Then we have to hurry," Barnacles said. "We have to take Kwazii and the treasure back to the cave, before the moon rises."

"OK, Octonauts, let's do this," Calico Jack said.

They boarded the Gup-X and followed Calico Jack's directions to the cave.

Kwazii was still holding the box with the gems, but he looked terrified and confused.

"Kwazii, it's OK," Peso said. "We're here to help you."

"Help me?" Kwazii said. "Why would you help me? You don't like me. You think I'm a bad pirate. You think I'm a coward."

"That's not true, Kwazii," Peso said. "We're your friends. We care about you."

"No, you don't," Kwazii said. "You're lying. You're all lying. You want to take my treasure away from me. You want to leave me alone."

He clutched the box tighter and glared at them.

"Kwazii, please," Calico Jack said. "That treasure is making you sick. You have to let it go."

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