Ai co-write: The Tiger snake Venom Campout

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Kwazii sighed, he had walked away from his grandfather and the campsite for a bit to look around, it was time to return though he didn't see the snake behind him, it was a tiger snake, he picked up his stuff, and started on his way but the snake bit his leg.

he growled and looked at it "uh oh..." he siad realizing it was a tiger snake, before he got Disturbed vision and he could hardly see it, he passed out.

Meanwhile Calico Jack was at the campsite, waiting for kwazii to return, he was starting to get worried as Kwazii had been gone a while, he left the campsite to look for him, and saw a trail kwazii left to be able to find the campsite and started to follow it.

Calico Jack followed the trail that Kwazii had left, hoping to find him soon. He was worried that something might have happened to him in the jungle, where there were many dangers and few resources. He hoped that Kwazii had enough water and food to survive the heat.

He soon reached the spot where Kwazii had stopped to look around. He saw his grandson lying on the ground, unconscious and pale. He ran to him and checked his pulse. He was relieved to find that he was still alive, but he noticed a red mark on his leg. He looked around and saw the snake that had bitten him. He recognized it as a tiger snake, one of the most venomous snakes in the world.

He quickly picked up Kwazii and carried him back to the campsite. He knew he had to find an antidote for the snake venom before it was too late. He remembered that there was a plant nearby that had a purple flower and a yellow berry that could neutralize the poison. He ran to the plant and plucked some of its berries. He squeezed the juice onto Kwazii's wound and hoped that it would work.

He then gave Kwazii some water and tried to wake him up. He called his name and shook him gently. He waited for a sign of life from his grandson.

"Kwazii, lad, can you hear me? Wake up, matey, wake up!" he said, with tears in his eyes.

Kwazii didn't awake, Calico Jack tried again "Kwazii, lad, can you hear me? Wake up, matey, wake up!" he said, Shaking him gently, but kwazii didn't awake, and he seemed to be getting worse, Calico Jack quickly grabbed his radio "hello? Can anyone hear me?"  he said into it.

Meanwhile, at the Octopod, the other Octonauts were busy with their usual tasks. Peso was in the sick bay, treating a dolphin with a sprained fin. Dashi was in the launch bay, testing a new camera. Shellington was in the lab, studying some fungus samples. Tweak was in the engine room, upgrading the Octo-Alert. Barnacles was in the HQ, monitoring the weather patterns.

Suddenly, they heard a crackling noise from the radio. They heard Calico Jack's voice, sounding desperate and panicked.

"Hello? Can anyone hear me? This is Calico Jack, I need help! Kwazii's been bitten by a snake and he's not waking up! Please, someone answer me!"

The Octonauts were shocked and alarmed by the message. They dropped what they were doing and ran to the HQ. Barnacles grabbed the radio and replied.

"Calico Jack, this is Captain Barnacles. We hear you loud and clear. What's your location?"

Calico Jack gave him the coordinates of their campsite in the jungle. Barnacles checked the map and saw that they were far away from any water source.

"Calico Jack, we're on our way. Hang in there. How is Kwazii doing?"

Calico Jack looked at his grandson, who was still unconscious and breathing shallowly.

"He's not doing well, Captain. He's been bitten by a tiger snake and I don't have any antivenom. I tried to use some plant juice, but it didn't seem to work. He's losing a lot of blood and he's very pale. I don't know how much longer he can last."

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