AI co-write: Storm to stranded

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⚠️AI co-write⚠️

🔠Above and beyond🔠

One day calico Jack and Kwazii were sailing on the Gup R, A gup that Tweak and kwazii had built together, they were looking around for creatures that may need help, they soon found a net with some creatures in it, Kwazii jumped into the water to free them, it didn't take long as it was only four fishes, Suddenly a storm started quickly, a wave pushed kwazii under the water. 

he felt a bite on his leg and looked around, he saw something in the sand, but he couldn't tell what it was, he swam back up, and Calico Jack helped him into the gup, but the storm was only getting worse, Kwazii hid the bite from his grandfather, thinking it was harmless.

The storm raged on, tossing the Gup R around like a toy. Kwazii and Calico Jack tried to steer the gup to safety, but it was no use. A huge wave crashed into them, breaking the gup's propeller and radio. They were left drifting in the middle of the ocean, with no way to contact the Octonauts.

"Yow! That was a close one!" Kwazii exclaimed, holding on to his seat.

"Aye, lad. We're lucky we're still afloat. But we're in a pickle now. We can't call for help, and we don't know where we are," Calico Jack said, looking at the broken instruments.

"What are we going to do, Granddad?" Kwazii asked, feeling scared.

"Don't worry, Kwazii. We're pirates, remember? We've been in worse situations than this. We'll find a way out of this mess," Calico Jack said, trying to sound confident.

He looked out of the window and saw a faint outline of land on the horizon.

"Look, there! An island! Maybe we can find some shelter and food there," he said, pointing.

"Let's go then!" Kwazii said, feeling hopeful.

They grabbed some supplies and jumped into the water. They swam towards the island, hoping to find some signs of life.

But as they swam, Kwazii felt a strange sensation in his leg. He looked down and saw that the bite he had received earlier was starting to swell and turn red. He felt a sharp pain and a burning fever.

He tried to ignore it and keep swimming, but it was getting harder and harder.

He didn't want to worry his grandfather, but he knew something was wrong.

He wondered what had bitten him, and what it had done to him.

they made it to the island, and Kwazii layed on the sand, feeling weak, Calico Jack tried to use his octo-watch, but it didn't work, Kwazii tried his own, while lying on the sand, it didn't work either "maybe you should try standing up?" Calico Jack asked, thinking his just broke during the storm, Kwazii looked at him, but he couldn't get up he felt too weak, he began to cough.

Calico Jack noticed that Kwazii was pale and sweating. He saw the bite mark on his leg and realized that it was infected.

"Kwazii, what happened to your leg?" he asked, concerned.

"I...I got bitten by something in the water. I don't know what it was. It was hiding in the sand," Kwazii said, shivering.

"Let me see it," Calico Jack said, gently lifting Kwazii's leg.

He gasped when he saw the wound. It was oozing pus and blood, and it smelled bad. He recognized the signs of a venomous bite.

"Kwazii, this is serious. You've been poisoned by a sea snake or a stonefish or something like that. We need to get you some help right away," he said, worried.

"But how? Our octo-watches are broken, and we don't have any medicine," Kwazii said, feeling scared.

"We'll have to find some on the island. Maybe there are some plants or animals that can help us. Come on, lad. I'll carry you," Calico Jack said, picking up Kwazii.

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