AI co-write: secret Knitting hobbies and Blizzard storms

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⚠️just an au⚠️

One day, Kwazii was doing some Knitting, it was something he enjoyed in his free time, soon Tweak walked in... they stared at each other...

Tweak was shocked and amused by what she saw. She couldn't believe that Kwazii, the brave and adventurous pirate, was knitting a sweater for his teddy bear. She thought it was the cutest and funniest thing ever. She quickly took out her phone and snapped a picture of Kwazii and his knitting project.

Kwazii was horrified and furious by what Tweak did. He felt exposed and violated by Tweak's intrusion. He hated that she saw his secret hobby, and that she took a picture of him without his permission. He thought she was mocking and betraying him. He quickly grabbed his knitting supplies and his teddy bear, and yelled at Tweak.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing, lassie? How dare you barge into my cabin and take a picture of me? That's none of your business! Give me that phone right now, and delete that picture!" He demanded, trying to snatch the phone from Tweak.

Tweak dodged Kwazii's attempt and said, "Oh, come on, Kwazii. Don't be so mad. It's just a harmless prank. I'm not going to do anything bad with the picture. I just want to show it to the others. They'll love it. It's so adorable and hilarious."

Kwazii felt a surge of panic and anger. He didn't want anyone else to see the picture, or to know about his hobby. He was afraid they would laugh at him or think he was weird. He said, "No, you can't do that, Tweak. You can't show that picture to anyone. It's my private hobby, and it's none of their business. It's not adorable or hilarious, it's embarrassing and humiliating. Please, Tweak, just delete the picture and forget about it."

Tweak shook her head and said, "Sorry, Kwazii, but I can't do that. It's too good to keep to myself. Besides, there's nothing wrong with your hobby. It's actually very sweet and creative. You should be proud of it, not ashamed of it. Trust me, Kwazii, the others will love you for who you are."

Kwazii felt a wave of despair and resentment. He didn't believe Tweak's words. He thought she was lying and manipulating him. He said, "No, Tweak, you don't understand. You don't know how they'll react. They'll think I'm a joke, a freak, a loser. They'll lose respect for me, they'll stop trusting me, they'll stop liking me. They'll hate me for who I am."

Tweak sighed and said, "Kwazii, you're being paranoid and dramatic. They won't hate you for who you are. They'll love you for who you are. You're an Octonaut, Kwazii. You're one of us."

Kwazii shook his head and said, "No, Tweak, I'm not one of you. I'm different from you. I don't belong here. I don't belong anywhere."

He ran out of his cabin with his knitting supplies and his teddy bear in his arms. He ran to the Gup-B and drove away from the Octopod as fast as he could.

He didn't know where he was going or what he was doing.

He just wanted to get away from everything.

Tweak Shrugged, thinking Kwazii went to the octopod, and went back to the octopod herself, and showed the picture, they all started to talk about how cute and funny Kwazii's Hobbie was, expect for Barnacles who looked at Tweak "Tweak... did kwazii say you could share this photo?" Barnacles asked... 

Tweak looked at Barnacles and said, "Well, no, he didn't. But he didn't have to. It's not like it's a big deal. It's just a cute picture of him knitting a sweater for his teddy bear. What's wrong with that?"

Barnacles frowned and said, "Tweak, it is a big deal. It's Kwazii's private hobby, and he didn't want anyone to know about it. He was embarrassed and angry by your intrusion. He ran away from the Octopod, and we don't know where he is or how he is. He could be in trouble or in danger."

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