AI co-write: 🎤Be careful of faulty electronics 🎤

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⚠️just an au⚠️

Kwazii went with his grandfather and Shellington to a music Festival, he looked around, some people were doing a karaoke stand, it looked like fun, Calico Jack looked at him "wear this..." Calico Jack said putting a device on kwazii's arm "why?" Kwazii asked confused "Safety... It will alert us if you're in danger" Calico Jack said putting one on himself and Shellington "I just have a bad feeling..." He told Shellington the otter and Kwazii the cat.

Shellington and Calico Jack went to watch the singers well Kwazii went to the Karaoke stand, he looked around and saw somebody he knew, Dino, a rude and harsh cat he had a fight with days ago, he sighed he was going to stay clear of him and sighed up to sing, He saw dino's name on the sheet of paper and sighed, he was going right after his enemy.

after the person singing was done, Dino went over, Kwazii watched as the Brown cat with red-brown eyes sang a song, he didn't notice that Dino was messing around with the Tech in the Microphone, after Dino was done singing, Kwazii walked over, as he picked up the microphone and turned it on, he felt a strong shock, and loss consciousness.

Meanwhile, Calico Jack and Shellington looked at the singers that played at the festival, they suddenly heard a beeping sound from their devices that Calico Jack had put on them "something's going on with kwazii, Matey" Calico Jack said looking at the device.

Calico Jack and Shellington looked at the device and saw that it was flashing red.

They saw that Kwazii's heart rate and blood pressure were dropping rapidly.

They realized that he was in danger.

They quickly got up and ran to the karaoke stand, where they saw a crowd of people.

They pushed their way through and saw Kwazii lying on the ground, holding the microphone.

He was not moving or breathing.

He looked pale and lifeless.

Calico Jack felt a surge of fear and anger.

He saw Dino standing nearby, smirking and holding a remote control.

He realized that he had sabotaged the microphone and electrocuted Kwazii.

He wanted to punch him in the face, but he knew that he had to help Kwazii first.

He ran to Kwazii and checked his pulse.

He felt nothing.

He checked his breathing.

He heard nothing.

He knew what he had to do.

He started to perform CPR on Kwazii, pressing his chest and blowing into his mouth.

He hoped it would work.

He hoped it was not too late.

Shellington saw what Calico Jack was doing and decided to help him.

He took out his octo-watch and called the Octopod.

"Octonauts, we have an emergency," he said. "Kwazii has been electrocuted by a faulty microphone. He's not breathing. We need the Gup-E right now."

"Roger that, Shellington," Barnacles said. "We're on our way."

Shellington hung up and looked at Calico Jack and Kwazii.

He saw that Calico Jack was still doing CPR, but there was no sign of life from Kwazii.

He felt a pang of sadness and worry.

He prayed for Kwazii to be OK.

He prayed for Calico Jack to save him.

Dino started to walk over to Calico Jack, To stop him "come on... please.." Calico Jack said as he continued, he didn't see Dino behind him, Shellington ran over and protected them, he hoped the rest of octonauts would arrive soon. 

Dino walked over to Calico Jack and tried to grab him.

He wanted to stop him from saving Kwazii.

He wanted to finish what he had started.

He wanted to get rid of Kwazii for good.

He hated Kwazii.

He hated him for being a better pirate than him.

He hated him for being more popular than him.

He hated him for being Calico Jack's grandson.

He was jealous of Kwazii.

He wanted to take his place.

He wanted to be Calico Jack's grandson.

He wanted to be his pride and joy.

But he knew that he could never be that.

He knew that he was nothing compared to Kwazii.

So he decided to destroy him instead.

He reached for Calico Jack's shoulder and pulled him away from Kwazii.

"Let go of him, you scurvy rat," he said. "He's mine."

But before he could do anything else, Shellington stepped in and blocked him.

He pushed him back and stood in front of Calico Jack and Kwazii.

"Leave them alone, Dino," he said. "You've done enough damage."

Dino glared at Shellington and tried to get past him.

But Shellington was stronger and smarter than him.

He held him back and kept him away from Calico Jack and Kwazii.

He hoped that the other Octonauts would arrive soon.

He hoped that they would help them.

Meanwhile, Calico Jack ignored Dino and Shellington and focused on Kwazii.

He continued to do CPR, hoping to revive him.

He looked at Kwazii's face and saw that it was still pale and lifeless.

But he also saw something else.

He saw a faint spark in his eye.

A faint spark of life.

A faint spark of hope.

"Kwazii, can you hear me?" he said softly. "It's me, your grandpa. I'm here with you. You're going to be fine. Just breathe, Kwazii. Just breathe."

He pressed his chest and blew into his mouth again.

And then, he heard a sound that made his heart leap with joy.

A sound that he had been waiting for.

A sound that he had been praying for.

A sound that meant everything to him.

A sound that meant life.

A sound that meant love.

A sound that meant Kwazii.

A cough.

Kwazii coughed and gasped for air.

He opened his eyes and looked at Calico Jack.

He saw his face and recognized him.

He heard his voice and understood him.

He felt his touch and trusted him.

He remembered who he was.

And who Calico Jack was.

And who the others were.

He remembered that they were his friends and family.

And that they loved him.

And that he loved them back.

"Grandpa..." he whispered, smiling weakly. "You saved me."

Calico Jack smiled and hugged him gently.

"Kwazii, lad, you're OK," he said. "You're OK."

"I'm OK, Grandpa," Kwazii said. "Thanks to you."

They held each other and cried tears of relief.

They were reunited at last.

The End

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