AI co-write: Volcanos and hidden secrets of care

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⚠️Just an au⚠️

🔠above and beyond timeline🔠

One day, Calico Jack and Kwazii were doing an exploring mission for the octonauts "I don't see any creatures who need to be moved to another island..." Calico Jack said "or need any help at all" Kwazii said... Calico Jack looked at kwazii, who seemed to be hiding something, but Calico Jack would ask later.

Calico Jack and Kwazii continued to explore the volcanic island, looking for any signs of life or danger. They didn't know that the island was about to erupt, and that they were in grave peril.

They came across a large crater that was filled with bubbling lava. They decided to take a closer look, hoping to find some interesting rocks or minerals.

"Wow, look at that, grandpa! The lava is so red and hot! It looks like a giant pot of soup!" Kwazii exclaimed, as he leaned over the edge of the crater.

"Careful, lad! Don't get too close, or you'll get burned! This is not soup, this is molten rock! It can melt anything that touches it!" Calico Jack warned, as he held Kwazii by his tail.

"I know, I know. I'm just curious, that's all. I wonder what's inside this lava. Maybe there's some treasure hidden under it," Kwazii said, as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small metal detector.

He had found it in a junkyard and fixed it up. He had been hiding it from Calico Jack, because he knew his grandfather would disapprove of his hobby of treasure hunting. He wanted to surprise him with his findings someday.

He turned on the metal detector and scanned the lava. He hoped to find something valuable or rare.

"Beep beep beep!"

The metal detector started to make a loud noise, indicating that it had detected something metallic.

"Ha ha! I knew it! There's something down there! Let me see!" Kwazii said, excitedly.

He tried to lower the metal detector into the lava, but Calico Jack stopped him.

"What are you doing, lad? Are you crazy? You can't put that thing in the lava! It'll melt in seconds!" Calico Jack shouted.

"But grandpa, there's something down there! I can feel it! Maybe it's gold or silver or diamonds or pearls or..." Kwazii said, as he listed all the possible treasures he could think of.

"Lad, listen to me. There's nothing down there but rocks and metal. And even if there was something else, you wouldn't be able to get it out. The lava is too hot and dangerous. You have to let it go," Calico Jack said, firmly.

"But grandpa..." Kwazii protested.

"No buts, lad. Come on, let's go. We have to finish our mission and report back to the octonauts," Calico Jack said, as he dragged Kwazii away from the crater.

He noticed that Kwazii was holding a metal detector in his hand. He wondered where he had gotten it from and why he was hiding it from him. He decided to ask him later.

They walked away from the crater, unaware that they had triggered a chain reaction. The metal detector had disturbed the delicate balance of the lava, causing it to rise and overflow. The lava started to flow out of the crater and towards them.

They also didn't notice that the sky was getting darker and stormier. The volcano was about to erupt, and they were in its path.

"Well, there goes my only Distraction..." Kwazii muttered "what was that?" Calico Jack asked, sort of glaring at him "NOTHING!?" Kwazii said in shock, Calico Jack had heard him muttering? and almost learned what Kwazii was hiding...

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