^anouther Ai-co-work^

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🏴‍☠️Title: Calico Jack's brother's evil🏴‍☠️

🙃I was board🙃

Kwazii was excited to go on another treasure hunt with his grandfather, Calico Jack. They had found a map that led to a hidden island, where a legendary pirate had buried his loot. Kwazii loved hearing stories about the pirate's adventures, and he hoped to find some clues about his life. He packed his backpack with some essentials, and boarded the Gup-B with Calico Jack. They waved goodbye to the other Octonauts, who wished them good luck and a safe journey. Kwazii smiled and hugged his grandfather, feeling happy and adventurous. He had no idea that someone was watching them from a distance, with a sinister grin and a scarred eye. Someone who hated Calico Jack with a passion, and wanted to make him pay for what he had done. Someone who was his brother.

'he will regret what happend' the cat thought, his blue eye glaring with anger, he was going to take that cat with him away...

He waited until the Gup-B was out of sight, and then followed them in his own submarine. He had been tracking Calico Jack for a long time, ever since he learned that he was still alive. He had never forgiven him for what happened that night, when they were attacked by a pack of wolves. He had lost his eye, and his brother had abandoned him. He had sworn revenge, and he had finally found his opportunity. He was going to kidnap Kwazii, Calico Jack's grandson, and make him suffer. He didn't care about the treasure, or the island, or the pirate. He only cared about his vengeance. He was Calson, the brother of Calico Jack.

He watched kwazii as he got out of the gup "He said he would be at the other side of the island... Ill go their" Kwazii said as hopped out 'I'll strike now' Calson thought as he got closer..   

He waited until Kwazii was alone, and then jumped out of his submarine. He grabbed him from behind, and covered his mouth with his hand. Kwazii struggled and tried to scream, but it was too late. Calson dragged him into his submarine, and locked the door. He threw him on the floor, and looked at him with a wicked smile. Kwazii was terrified, and confused. He had never seen this cat before, but he felt a familiar resemblance. He had the same orange fur, the same black spots, the main difference was his blue eye as his grandfather. But he also had a scarred eye, a twisted face, and a hateful expression. He was Calico Jack's brother, and he was Kwazii's kidnapper.

"You are His grandson? wow you look a lot alike" The strange cat said with an evil smile, Kwazii brought out his sword, but the cat used his own sword to disarm him and push him to the wall of the Submarine, Calson managed to Injure kwazii's leg and tie him up.  

He laughed as he saw Kwazii's pain and fear. He enjoyed making him suffer, just like he had suffered. He wanted to make Calico Jack pay for what he had done to him, and this was the best way. He took out a radio, and contacted his brother. He knew he was looking for Kwazii, and he wanted to taunt him. He said, "Hello, brother. Long time no see. I have a surprise for you. I have your precious grandson with me. Do you want to hear him scream?" He turned the radio to Kwazii, and kicked him in the stomach. Kwazii gasped and cried out in agony. Calson smiled and said, "Do you like that? Do you want more? Well, you'll have to come and get him. If you can find me, that is. I'll give you a clue. I'm heading to the place where it all began. The place where you left me to die. The place where the wolves attacked us. Do you remember that night, brother? Do you remember how you ran away, and left me behind? Do you remember how I lost my eye, and my life? Well, I remember everything. And I'm going to make you pay for it. See you soon, brother. If you dare." He turned off the radio, and looked at Kwazii with a cruel grin.

Meanwhile, at the other side of the Island, Calico Jack Had gotten his brother's call 'he wouldn't...' he thought to himself quickly getting in his boat "Pete lets go..." he yelled to his bird pal.

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