AI co-write: Festival of color accidents

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🌈🌈:>, idk why I wrote this even with ai🌈🌈

⚠️just an au⚠️

One day, Calico Jack took Kwazii and Shellington to India, it was the Festival of colors, Shellington threw some of the colored powder at kwazii, Kwazii threw some back, and they raced back and forth, doing it, Calico Jack sat down to watch them, he sometimes threw a little powder Aswell, mostly as revenge when they hit him with it.

Kwazii was having a blast, laughing and running with Shellington. He loved the bright colors and the festive mood. He grabbed a handful of pink powder and threw it at Shellington, who dodged and threw some blue powder back at him. Kwazii opened his mouth to taunt him, but the blue powder flew into his mouth and nose. He coughed and sputtered, feeling a burning sensation in his throat. He dropped to his knees, clutching his chest. "Kwazii!" Shellington shouted, running to his side. "Are you okay?" Calico Jack saw what happened and rushed over as well. He lifted Kwazii's head and looked into his eyes, which were watering and red. "Kwazii, lad, can you breathe?" he asked, worried. Kwazii shook his head, gasping for air. He felt like he was suffocating. Calico Jack realized he needed medical attention fast. He picked him up and carried him to the nearest stall, where a woman was selling water bottles. "Please, miss, I need some water for my grandson. He's choking on the powder," he said, pleading. The woman nodded and handed him a bottle. Calico Jack opened it and poured some water into Kwazii's mouth, hoping to wash away the powder. Kwazii swallowed some of the water, but still felt a lump in his throat. He coughed harder, trying to spit out the powder. Shellington followed them and looked around for help. He saw a sign that said "Doctor" nearby. He ran to the door and knocked frantically. A man in a white coat opened the door and looked at him curiously. "What is it?" he asked. "Please, sir, you have to help my friend. He's choking on the powder from the festival," Shellington said, pointing to where Calico Jack and Kwazii were. The doctor nodded and grabbed his bag. He followed Shellington to the stall, where he saw Kwazii lying on the ground, pale and wheezing. He checked his pulse and listened to his lungs with a stethoscope. "He's having an allergic reaction to the powder," he said. "He needs an injection of epinephrine." He took out a syringe from his bag and injected it into Kwazii's arm. "This should help him breathe easier," he said. "But we need to take him to the hospital for further treatment." Calico Jack nodded gratefully and thanked the doctor. He lifted Kwazii again and followed him to his car, where he put him in the back seat. Shellington got in as well and held Kwazii's hand, hoping he would be okay.

Kwazii coughed a lot on the way over, Calico Jack contacted the other octonauts on the way... 

 The doctor drove them to the nearest hospital, where he took Kwazii to the emergency room. He told Calico Jack and Shellington to wait in the lobby while he examined Kwazii. Calico Jack sat on a chair and took out his communicator. He contacted Captain Barnacles, who was back at the Octopod with the rest of the crew. "Captain, we have a situation," he said. "What is it, Calico Jack?" Barnacles asked. "It's Kwazii. He's had an allergic reaction to the powder from the festival. He's in the hospital right now," Calico Jack said. "Oh no! Is he all right?" Barnacles asked, concerned. "I don't know, Captain. The doctor gave him an injection, but he said he needs more tests. He's still coughing and struggling to breathe," Calico Jack said. "We're so sorry to hear that, Calico Jack," Peso said, joining the conversation. "Is there anything we can do?" "Just keep him in your thoughts, Peso. And pray that he'll be okay," Calico Jack said. "We will, Calico Jack. We will," Peso said. "Please keep us updated on his condition," Barnacles said. "We will, Captain. Over and out," Calico Jack said. He put away his communicator and sighed. He looked at Shellington, who was sitting next to him, looking worried and sad. He put his arm around him and gave him a hug. "Don't worry, Shellington. Kwazii is a tough cat. He'll pull through this," he said. "I hope so, Calico Jack. I hope so," Shellington said.

"I'm sorry..." Shellington said, looking away "what for?" Calico Jack looked at him "for causing this..." Shellington replied.

Calico Jack shook his head and looked at Shellington with a gentle smile. "You didn't cause this, Shellington. It was an accident. No one could have predicted that Kwazii would be allergic to the powder," he said. "But I threw it at him. I should have been more careful," Shellington said, feeling guilty. "It was a game, Shellington. A harmless game. Kwazii was having fun, too. He wouldn't blame you for this," Calico Jack said. "How do you know?" Shellington asked. "Because I know Kwazii. He's my grandson, after all. And he's your friend. He loves you, Shellington. And he knows you love him, too," Calico Jack said. "I do love him, Calico Jack. He's like a brother to me," Shellington said, tears in his eyes. "I know, Shellington. I know," Calico Jack said, wiping his eyes as well. They hugged each other and waited for the doctor to come back with news about Kwazii.

He soon came out, Shellington and Calico Jack looked over.  

Part 8: The doctor walked over to them and smiled. "I have good news. Kwazii is stable and recovering. The epinephrine worked, and we gave him some antihistamines and oxygen to help him breathe. He's still a bit weak, but he should be fine in a few days," he said. Calico Jack and Shellington breathed a sigh of relief and thanked the doctor. "Can we see him?" Shellington asked. "Of course. He's in room 12. He's awake and asking for you," the doctor said. "Thank you, doctor. Thank you so much," Calico Jack said. They followed the doctor to room 12, where they saw Kwazii lying on a bed, hooked up to some machines. He looked pale and tired, but he smiled when he saw them. "Hey, mates," he said weakly. "Hey, Kwazii," Shellington said, running to his side and hugging him gently. "How are you feeling?" "Better, thanks to you," Kwazii said, looking at Calico Jack. "You saved me, granddad." "Nonsense, lad. It was the doctor who saved you. I just did what any grandfather would do," Calico Jack said, hugging him as well. "I'm so glad you're okay, Kwazii," he said. "Me too, granddad. Me too," Kwazii said.

Shellington looked away "you okay, Matey?" Kwazii asked "I'm sorry kwazii, I didn't mean to harm you" Shellington told kwazii "You didn't... I was the one who opened my mouth, I should have been smarter.." Kwazii told Shellington.

 Kwazii reached out and took Shellington's hand. "Hey, look at me, Shellington. It's not your fault. It's not anyone's fault. It was an accident, okay? A freak accident. You don't have to apologize for anything," he said. "But I feel so bad, Kwazii. I almost lost you," Shellington said, tears in his eyes. "But you didn't, Shellington. I'm still here. And I'm not going anywhere," Kwazii said, squeezing his hand. "You're my best friend, Shellington. And nothing will ever change that." Shellington smiled and hugged Kwazii again. "You're my best friend, too, Kwazii. And I'm so happy you're okay," he said. Calico Jack watched them with a warm smile. He was proud of his grandson and his friend. They had been through a lot, but they had each other. And that was all that mattered. He joined them in a group hug and said, "I love you both, lads. You're my family." "We love you too, granddad," Kwazii said. "You're our family, too," Shellington said. They stayed like that for a while, feeling grateful and happy to be alive and together. They had survived the festival of colors, and they had learned a valuable lesson: Life is precious and unpredictable, but friendship is forever.

the end

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