AI-cowrite: Pit Viper drown

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Kwazii was walking around on the beach, he was with his grandfather who was talking to some of the monkeys in the trees, Kwazii didn't see the Pit Viper behind him.... 

...The snake was coiled up under a palm leaf, waiting for a prey to come by. It sensed Kwazii's movement and heat, and struck him on the ankle. Kwazii felt a sharp pain and looked down. He saw the snake slithering away and realized what had happened.

he tried to speak, and to warn his grandfather about the snake, but he only coughed and fell into the water, he felt to weak to swim and sank under the water.

Calico Jack heard the splash and looked over to see Kwazii was nowhere to be found, he felt worried that something bad happened.  

He ran to the edge of the water and saw Kwazii's hat floating on the surface. He dove into the water and looked for Kwazii. He saw him lying on the bottom, unconscious.

"Kwazii!" he shouted, swimming towards him.

He reached him and grabbed him by the waist. He saw the bite mark on his ankle and realized that he had been bitten by a snake.

"Oh no, lad! You've been poisoned!" he said.

He swam back to the surface with Kwazii in his arms. He laid him down on the beach and checked his pulse. It was weak and irregular.

"Kwazii, stay with me, matey. You'll be okay," he said.

He grabbed his radio and called the Octopod.

"Octopod, come in! This is Calico Jack. We have an emergency!" he said.

"Calico Jack, this is Captain Barnacles. What's the problem?" Barnacles answered.

"Kwazii's been bitten by a pit viper. He's unconscious and in the water. We need your help!" Calico Jack said.

"A pit viper? That's serious. Where are you?" Barnacles asked.

"We're on the beach near the monkey forest. Can you send Peso and some antivenom?" Calico Jack said.

"We're on our way. Hang in there, Calico Jack. And Kwazii," Barnacles said.

He turned to Peso and told him to get ready. He also alerted the other Octonauts and asked them to prepare for a medical emergency.

Meanwhile, Calico Jack tried to keep Kwazii alive and warm. He noticed that Kwazii was pale and cold. He also saw that his breathing was shallow and raspy.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry," Kwazii whispered.

"Sorry? For what?" Calico Jack asked.

"For getting bitten. For causing trouble," Kwazii said.

"Don't be silly, lad. It's not your fault. It was an accident. You didn't do anything wrong," Calico Jack said.

He wrapped a blanket around Kwazii and held him close. He sang him a pirate song to comfort him.

"Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum

We're the bravest pirates under the sun

We sail the seas and have lots of fun

Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum

We face the storms and the sharks with ease

We find the treasure and do as we please

We're always ready for a new adventure

Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum

We're loyal to our friends and family

We stick together through thick and thin

We're always there for each other

Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum

We're the Octonauts and we're here to help

We explore, rescue, protect

We're always learning something new

Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum"

Kwazii smiled faintly and joined in the chorus.

"Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum..."

They sang until they heard the sound of another Gup approaching. It was Peso in his Gup-E, followed by Captain Barnacles in his Gup-A.

"Peso! Captain! You made it!" Calico Jack exclaimed.

He opened the blanket and showed them Kwazii.

"Kwazii! Calico Jack! You're alive!" Peso said.

He jumped out of his Gup-E with a medical kit in his flippers. He ran to Kwazii and examined his wound.

"How are you feeling, Kwazii?" he asked.

"Not so good, Peso," Kwazii said weakly.

"Don't worry, Kwazii. I have some antivenom for you. It will stop the venom from hurting you," Peso said.

He took out a syringe and injected it into Kwazii's arm. He also gave him some oxygen and fluids.

"There you go, Kwazii. You should feel better soon," Peso said.

"Thank you, Peso," Kwazii said gratefully.

Kwazii coughed, he still had some water in his lungs, the Venom had somehow caused him to keep it in.. Kwazii continued to cough as he tried to get the water out and to breathe normally. 

Peso noticed that Kwazii was having trouble breathing. He listened to his chest with a stethoscope and heard some crackling sounds.

"Kwazii, you have some water in your lungs. That's not good. You need to cough it out," he said.

He gave him a gentle pat on the back to help him cough. He also gave him some medicine to reduce the inflammation in his lungs.

"Come on, Kwazii. You can do it," he said.

Kwazii coughed harder and harder, until he spat out some water. He felt a bit of relief, but he was still weak and tired.

"That's it, Kwazii. Good job," Peso said.

He checked his vital signs again and saw that they were improving.

"You're doing great, Kwazii. The antivenom is working. The venom is leaving your system," he said.

He smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

Captain Barnacles came over and hugged them both.

"Kwazii! Peso! I'm so proud of you," he said.

"Thanks, Captain," they said together.

The other Octonauts arrived soon after and greeted them. They were happy to see that Kwazii was recovering.

"Kwazii, you're amazing," Dashi said.

"Yeah, matey. You're a fighter," Tweak said.

"But you're also a lucky cat, Kwazii. You had a close call," Shellington said.

"Thanks, everyone. You're the best," Kwazii said.

He looked at his grandfather and smiled.

"Especially you, Grandpa. You saved me," he said.

Calico Jack smiled back and hugged him.

"Of course I did, lad. You're my grandson," he said.

the end

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