AI co-write: The Prince of Atlantica: A Tale of Family, Duty, and Love

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⚠️Just an au⚠️

💦Merman Royal Kwazii au💦


Kwazii walked around the octopod, he didn't know what to do... he saw a mermaid at the window putting a letter in the box, he swam out to get it, since no one was around he didn't wear his helmet because he didn't really need it...

Kwazii swam out to get the letter from the box. He recognized the seal on the envelope. It was the seal of Atlantica, his home kingdom. He felt a pang of dread and curiosity. He opened the envelope and read the letter. It was from his father, King Triton.

The letter said:

"Dear Kwazii,

I hope this letter finds you well and happy. I know it has been a long time since we last spoke, and I know you have your reasons for leaving. But I need you to listen to me now, son. I need you to come back home.

I am dying, Kwazii. I have a terminal illness that no medicine or magic can cure. The doctors say I have only a few days left to live. I want to see you one last time, before I go. I want to say goodbye to you, and to tell you how much I love you.

But there is another reason why I need you to come back, Kwazii. A more urgent and important reason. You need to take your place as the next king of Atlantica.

You are the only heir to the throne, Kwazii. You are the only one who can rule this kingdom after me. You have the blood of royalty in your veins, and the heart of a leader in your chest. You have the courage, the wisdom, and the compassion that a king needs.

I know you don't want to be king, Kwazii. I know you prefer to be an adventurer, and to explore the wonders of the ocean. I respect your choice, and I admire your spirit. But you have a duty, Kwazii. A duty to your people, and to your family. A duty that you cannot ignore or escape.

Atlantica is in danger, Kwazii. There is a rebel group that wants to overthrow me and take over the kingdom. They are led by a ruthless and cunning merman named Zane. He is your cousin, Kwazii. He is my brother's son.

Zane hates me, and he hates you too. He thinks that he deserves to be king, and that we are weak and unworthy. He has gathered a large army of followers, who share his hatred and ambition. He has been plotting and scheming for years, waiting for the right moment to strike.

That moment is now, Kwazii. Zane knows that I am dying, and that you are away from home. He plans to attack the palace soon, and to kill me and anyone who stands in his way. He plans to claim the throne for himself, and to rule Atlantica with an iron fist.

You must stop him, Kwazii. You must come back home and face him. You must defend your kingdom and your people from his tyranny. You must become the king that Atlantica needs.

Please, Kwazii. Please come back home. For me, for yourself, for Atlantica.

I love you, son.

Your father,

King Triton"

Kwazii finished reading the letter and felt a mix of emotions. He felt sadness for his father's condition, anger for Zane's treachery, fear for Atlantica's fate, and guilt for his own actions.

He didn't know what to do.

He didn't want to go back home.

He didn't want to be king.

But he felt obligated to do so.

He felt obligated to his father, who was dying.

He felt obligated to his kingdom, which was in danger.

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