AI co-write: he Octonauts and the Lost Photos: Kwazii's Second Chance

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⚠️Just an au⚠️

One day, Kwazii was trying to take some pictures of himself for a small gift he was making for Captain barnacles of him and all the other octonauts, a small photo album, the other octonauts had helped him start it...

He let somebody else use his original camera, so he was using His grandfather, Calico Jack's Camera... but he accidentally deleted his grandfather's pictures, Calico Jack walked in a checked the Camera and saw what kwazii did, Calico Jack slapped kwazii...

Kwazii felt a sharp pain on his cheek as Calico Jack slapped him. He looked at his grandfather with shock and fear.

"Grandpa, I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." he stammered.

"Sorry? Sorry? You're sorry?" Calico Jack shouted. "Do you have any idea what you've done? You've deleted all my precious photos! Photos of my adventures, my friends, my family! Photos that I can never get back!"

"Grandpa, please, calm down, maybe we can recover them somehow..." Kwazii tried to explain.

"Calm down? How can I calm down when you've ruined everything?" Calico Jack snapped. "You're so irresponsible and careless with my things! You don't appreciate anything I've done for you!"

"Grandpa, that's not true, I appreciate you very much, I love you..." Kwazii said.

"Love me? Ha! You don't love me, you don't respect me, you don't care about me!" Calico Jack said. "You're just a selfish and spoiled brat who only thinks about himself!"

"Grandpa, stop it, you're hurting me..." Kwazii cried.

"Hurting you? You're hurting me, Kwazii! You're breaking my heart!" Calico Jack said. "You know what? Maybe you should just leave. Leave the Octopod, leave the Octonauts, leave me. Go away and don't come back!"

"Grandpa, no, don't say that..." Kwazii pleaded.

"I mean it, Kwazii. Go away and don't come back!" Calico Jack repeated.

Kwazii felt a surge of anger and sadness. He couldn't believe his grandfather was saying those things to him. He felt like he had no place in the Octopod anymore. He felt like he had no one who loved him anymore.

He ran out of the room, grabbing his camera and his backpack. He didn't care where he was going. He just wanted to get away from his grandfather and his harsh words.

He ran into the launch bay and got into the GUP-K. He started the engine and sped away from the Octopod.

He didn't notice the tears streaming down his face. He didn't notice the worried voices of his friends calling him on the radio. He didn't notice the strong current that was pulling him deeper into the ocean.

He only noticed the emptiness in his heart.

he drove the Gup-K into a reef and got out, and started to explore, but he swam too close to a strong current that took him and washed him away, he also hit some rocks that cracked his helmet...

Meanwhile, back at the octopod, Tweak ran into Kwazii's room and glared at Calico Jack "WHAT HAPPENED HERE? WHY DID HE RUN?" Tweak growled... "He deleted my photos..." Calico Jack growled "What did you do?" Tweak said angerly, Calico Jack explained what he said, Tweak them slapped him "do you even know what he was using the Camrea for?" Tweak said "taking selfies for himself..." Calico Jack said... "and do you know what he was going to use the selfies for...?" Tweak asked "to put on his wall?" Calico Jack asked Tweak glared at calico Jack...

Tweak shook her head and showed Calico Jack a small photo album that she had found on Kwazii's bed. It was a gift for Captain Barnacles, with pictures of him and all the other Octonauts.

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