AI co-write: Rock slide Injury (part 2)

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⚠️just an au⚠️

🔠above and beyond timeline🔠

"He was trapped in a rock slide. Calico Jack saved him, but he's been unconscious for a long time." Barnacles explained.

"That's terrible! Quick, put him on the bed. I'll examine him right away." Peso said.

He took Kwazii from Barnacles and put him on the bed. He scanned him with his medical scanner and looked at the results.

"Oh no, this is bad. This is very bad." he said.

Calico Jack ran in and looked at peso "is he going to be, okay?" Calico Jack asked, Peso looked at him and sighed... 

Peso looked at Calico Jack and sighed. He wished he had better news, but he had to be honest.

"I'm sorry, Captain Jack. I'm afraid Kwazii is in a critical condition. He has a severe concussion, a broken leg, and internal bleeding. He needs surgery as soon as possible." he said.

Calico Jack gasped and felt his heart sink. His grandson, his Kwazii, was in danger. In danger of dying.

"Can you save him, matey? Can you save him?" he asked, desperately.

"I'll do my best, Captain Jack. I'll do my best. But I can't guarantee anything. This is a very risky operation." Peso said.

He looked at the other Octonauts, who were also worried about Kwazii's fate. They nodded and gave him their support.

"You can do it, Peso. You're the best medic in the ocean." Barnacles said.

"We believe in you, Peso. You've saved Kwazii before." Dashi said.

"We're here for you, Peso. You're not alone." Shellington said.

Peso smiled and thanked them. He felt a surge of courage and determination.

He put on his surgical mask and gloves and picked up his scalpel.

"Alright, let's do this." he said.

He made a small incision on Kwazii's abdomen and inserted a tiny camera. He looked at the monitor and saw the extent of the damage.

He saw the blood pooling in Kwazii's organs. He saw the tears in Kwazii's tissues. He saw the cracks in Kwazii's bones.

He saw the challenge he had to face.

He took a deep breath and began to operate.

He carefully stitched up the wounds and stopped the bleeding. He gently repaired the tissues and fixed the bones. He skillfully restored the organs and stabilized the vital signs.

He worked for hours, without stopping or resting. He worked with precision, patience, and passion.

He worked with love.

He finally finished the operation and closed the incision. He removed the camera and cleaned the scalpel.

He looked at Kwazii's face and smiled.

He did it. He saved him.

He turned to face the other Octonauts, who were waiting anxiously behind a glass window. They saw his smile and cheered.

They knew what it meant.

They knew that Kwazii was alive.

"Is he going to be okay?" Calico Jack asked, in slight worry, his grandson was alive but that was all he knew...

Peso nodded and looked at Calico Jack with a reassuring smile.

"Yes, he's going to be okay. He's still unconscious, but he's stable. He'll wake up soon." he said.

Calico Jack felt a wave of relief and gratitude wash over him. His grandson, his Kwazii, was okay. He was okay.

"Thank you, matey. Thank you so much. You're a miracle worker, you are." he said.

Peso blushed and shook his head modestly.

"No, no, I'm not. I'm just doing my job. And I couldn't have done it without the help of the other Octonauts. They were amazing." he said.

He looked at the other Octonauts, who were smiling and clapping. They had assisted Peso during the operation, providing him with tools, supplies, and encouragement.

They had been a team. A team that had saved one of its members.

A team that had loved Kwazii as much as he did.

He felt a pride and a happiness fill his heart. He felt a friendship and a bond fill his soul.

He smiled and thanked them. He respected them, he admired them, he loved them.

He told them that they were his heroes. His colleagues. His friends.

He told them that they were a family.

They nodded and thanked him back. They told him that he was their hero. Their medic. Their friend.

They told him that he was a family member.

They hugged him and congratulated him. They praised him for his skill, his bravery, his kindness.

They praised him for his love.

They stayed like that for a while, celebrating their victory and remembering their struggle. They felt Kwazii's spirit in their hearts and his voice in their minds.

They felt his presence in their family.

They watched as Kwazii's breathing became deeper and steadier, as his heartbeat became stronger and louder, as his life returned to normal.

They watched as he opened his eyes and looked at them with a smile.

They watched as he woke up.

"hi.." he coughed "Kwazii!" Calico Jack smiled, and hugged him "be gentle, Calico Jack" Peso told him, Kwazii looked at his grandfather... with a smile.

Kwazii looked at his grandfather with a smile. He felt his warm embrace and his soft fur. He heard his happy voice and his gentle words.

He felt a love and a peace fill his heart. He felt a gratitude and a joy fill his soul.

He smiled and hugged him back. He thanked him, he appreciated him, he loved him.

He told him that he was his grandfather. His captain. His friend.

He told him that he was a family member.

He looked at the other Octonauts, who were also smiling and hugging him. They told him how glad they were to see him awake, how worried they were about him, how much they missed him.

They told him that he was their friend. Their crewmate. Their family member.

They told him that they loved him.

He nodded and thanked them. He told them how glad he was to see them too, how sorry he was for causing them trouble, how much he missed them too.

He told them that he loved them too.

He looked at Peso, who was standing next to him with a proud smile. He saw his caring eyes and his gentle hands. He felt his healing touch and his soothing words.

He felt a respect and a admiration fill his heart. He felt a friendship and a bond fill his soul.

He smiled and thanked him. He respected him, he admired him, he loved him.

He told him that he was his hero. His medic. His friend.

He told him that he was a family member.

They stayed like that for a while, enjoying their reunion and remembering their ordeal. They felt each other's spirit in their hearts and each other's voice in their minds.

They felt each other's presence in their family.

the end...

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