AI-co-write: an Accidental Injury and run away

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⚠️Just an au⚠️

Kwazii looked around the Launch Bay, Tweak was working on one of the gups, Kwazii soon Tripped on one of her Tools, he bumped into her, and she stabbed herself into the gup! "TWEAK!" Kwazii yelled, Tweak didn't Reply.

Kwazii panicked as he saw blood dripping from Tweak's arm. He quickly grabbed a bandage and wrapped it around her wound. He hoped that it would stop the bleeding until help arrived. He looked at Tweak's face and saw that she was unconscious. He felt a surge of guilt and fear. He had hurt his friend, maybe even killed her. He couldn't face the others. He had to get away. He ran out of the Launch Bay and into the Octopod. He didn't know where he was going, he just wanted to hide. He found an empty room and locked the door behind him. He curled up on the floor and sobbed. He wished he could take back what he had done, but it was too late.

Barnacles had heard Kwazii's voice yelling Tweak's Name and found her, Unconscious "PESO WE NEED YOU OVER HERE!" the octonauts Captain Screamed, He then started to look around the room for his Lieutenant, he found a note, Peso came in and started to help tweak, he noticed the bandage. 

Barnacles read the note that Kwazii had left. It said:

I'm sorry, Captain. I'm sorry, Tweak. I'm sorry, everyone. I didn't mean to hurt her. It was an accident. But I can't face you. I can't face myself. I'm a bad octonaut. I don't deserve to be here. I'm leaving. Don't look for me. Goodbye.

Barnacles felt a pang of sadness and worry. He knew that Kwazii was blaming himself for what happened, but he also knew that he was not a bad octonaut. He was a brave and loyal friend who had made a mistake. He needed to find him and tell him that. He needed to bring him back home. He turned to Peso and asked him how Tweak was doing.

"She's stable, Captain, but she needs to go to the sick bay right away. She has a deep cut in her arm and she might have an infection."

"Alright, Peso, take her to the sick bay and do what you can. I'll call the others and tell them what happened. We need to find Kwazii before he gets into more trouble."

"Aye aye, Captain."

Barnacles picked up his octocom and contacted the rest of the crew. He told them about Tweak's injury and Kwazii's disappearance. He asked them to search for Kwazii and bring him back safely. He also called Calico Jack, Kwazii's grandfather, and told him the situation. Calico Jack said he would join the search as soon as possible.

Barnacles hoped that they would find Kwazii soon. He hoped that he was alright. He hoped that he would forgive himself.

Calico Jack had been Visiting Cocoanut crab Island "Clarence, I got to go... Somethings going on with Kwazii and he needs to be found" Calico Jack told his friand, who nodded and wished him good luck. 

He Quickly got on his ship, His bird Pal, Pete, flying above him, meanwhile at the octopod, Tweak awoke and learned what happened from Peso. 

Tweak felt a surge of pain in her arm as she opened her eyes. She saw Peso smiling at her with relief.

"Tweak, you're awake! How are you feeling?"

"Ow, Peso, my arm hurts like crazy. What happened?"

Peso explained to her how Kwazii had accidentally bumped into her and caused her to stab herself with a tool. He also told her how Kwazii had run away after leaving a note saying he was sorry and he was leaving.

Tweak felt a mix of emotions. She was angry at Kwazii for hurting her and running away. She was worried about him and where he was. She was sad that he thought he was a bad octonaut and that he didn't deserve to be here. She was grateful that he had tried to help her and bandaged her wound. She wanted to see him and tell him that she forgave him and that he was still her friend.

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