AI co-write: scorpion at Festival accident

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⚠️Just an au⚠️

🔠Above and beyond timeline🔠

Kwazii sighed, he At a festival in Mexico that he and his grandfather, Calico Jack were attending, they had slit up to check the festival out, Kwazii heard a scream, he looked at a Vender and saw a scorpion that is crawling on the vendor's table, walked over and picked up, it stung him as he put it on the ground, Kwazii growled, the Vender ran over to check on him "are you okay?" the Vender asked "yeah..." Kwazii said... before coughing "are you here with anyone? they deserve to know about this... mostly cause I don't know what to do..." The vender told kwazii "granddad... Calico Jack...." Kwazii spoke, before coughing and wheezing again, Kwazii tried to look at through his Blurry vision.

The Brown cat put kwazii in a chair and ran off to search for calico jack.

Calico Jack was enjoying the festival, admiring the colorful decorations and tasting the delicious food. He was about to buy a sombrero when he heard someone calling his name.

"Calico Jack! Calico Jack! Where are you?" the voice shouted.

Calico Jack turned around and saw the vendor who had sold him some tacos earlier. He looked worried and out of breath.

"What's wrong, amigo?" Calico Jack asked.

"It's your grandson, Kwazii! He's been stung by a scorpion!" the vendor said.

"What? Where is he?" Calico Jack exclaimed.

"He's at my stall, come with me!" the vendor said.

He grabbed Calico Jack's arm and dragged him through the crowd. Calico Jack felt a surge of fear and panic. He hoped Kwazii was all right.

They reached the vendor's stall and saw Kwazii sitting on a chair, clutching his hand. He looked pale and sweaty, and his breathing was shallow and rapid.

"Kwazii! What happened?" Calico Jack asked, rushing to his side.

"Grandpa...I...I picked up a stung me..." Kwazii said weakly.

"Oh, Kwazii, you silly boy! Why did you do that?" Calico Jack said.

"I...I wanted to help...the vendor...he was scared..." Kwazii said.

"You're a brave lad, Kwazii, but you should have been more careful. Scorpions are very dangerous. Their venom can cause severe pain, swelling, nausea, vomiting, fever, and even death." Calico Jack said.

"Death? Am I going to die?" Kwazii asked, his eyes wide with fear.

"No, no, of course not. We'll get you some help. Don't worry." Calico Jack said.

He took out his spyglass and pointed it at the sky. He hoped someone would see his signal and come to their rescue.

Meanwhile, on the Octopod, Captain Barnacles was monitoring the mission when he saw a flash of light from Calico Jack's spyglass. He zoomed in and saw that he was waving frantically. He also saw Kwazii sitting on a chair, looking very ill.

"Octonauts, we have an emergency!" he shouted. "Calico Jack needs our help! Kwazii has been stung by a scorpion!"

He quickly gathered Peso, Shellington, and Tweak and boarded the Gup-A. They sped towards the festival, following Calico Jack's signal.

"Calico Jack, what happened?" Captain Barnacles asked through the radio.

"Kwazii has been stung by a scorpion! He's in a lot of pain and his condition is worsening!" Calico Jack replied.

"Hang in there, Calico Jack! We're almost there!" Captain Barnacles said.

They reached the festival and saw Calico Jack and Kwazii at the vendor's stall. Peso jumped out of the Gup-A with a first aid kit and swam over to them.

"Peso, thank goodness you're here!" Calico Jack said. "Please, save my grandson!"

Peso nodded and examined Kwazii's hand. He saw a small puncture wound where the scorpion had stung him. He cleaned the wound with antiseptic and applied some cream to reduce the swelling. He then gave Kwazii an injection of antivenom to neutralize the toxin.

"This should help you feel better, Kwazii," Peso said.

"Thank you, Peso," Kwazii said.

Peso checked Kwazii's pulse and temperature and smiled. They were normalizing.

"He's going to be fine," Peso said.

Calico Jack hugged Peso and thanked him. He then looked at Kwazii and saw him smile weakly.

"Grandpa?" Kwazii said softly.

"Kwazii! You're awake! You're okay!" Calico Jack said, tears in his eyes.

He hugged Kwazii and kissed his forehead.

"I'm so glad you're okay, my boy! I love you so much!"

"I love you too, Grandpa," Kwazii said.

The other Octonauts joined them and expressed their relief and happiness. They helped Kwazii get into the Gup-A and took him back to the Octopod for further treatment.

Kwazii recovered quickly from his ordeal and thanked everyone for saving him. He also learned to be more careful around scorpions and other venomous animals.

The end.

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