AI co-write: spilt water, pirate book, eels, Scorpions

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⚠️Just an au⚠️

One day, Kwazii was reading his grandfather's pirate book, he started to pick up his cup of water when he dropped it and it spilt on the book, Calico Jack walked in and growled, he slapped kwazii not knowing he had his claws out, and had hurt kwazii, Kwazii covered the wound so Calico Jack didn't see it...

Calico Jack yelled at Kwazii for spilling water on his pirate book, which was a precious heirloom from his ancestors. He didn't notice the blood dripping from Kwazii's cheek, where his claws had left a deep scratch. He only saw the wet and wrinkled pages of his book, and he felt a surge of anger and disappointment.

"Kwazii, you scurvy scallywag! How could you be so careless and destructive? Do you have any idea how much this book means to me? It's the only thing I have left from my pirate family! It's priceless and irreplaceable! And you ruined it with your clumsy paws!" Calico Jack shouted.

Kwazii felt a pang of guilt and pain in his heart. He loved his grandfather more than anything, and he didn't mean to harm his book. He only wanted to read it and learn more about his pirate heritage. He was fascinated by the stories and illustrations in the book, and he hoped to share them with Calico Jack someday. But now he had messed up everything, and he felt like he had betrayed his grandfather's trust.

"I-I'm sorry, Granddad. I didn't mean to... It was an accident... I-I was just reading it and..." Kwazii stammered.

"Reading it? Reading it? You call that reading? You call that respecting? You call that caring? No, Kwazii, you don't know anything about those things. You're just a reckless and selfish kitten who doesn't care about anyone but yourself. You don't deserve to be an octonaut, let alone a pirate. You're a disgrace to me and to our family name!" Calico Jack snapped.

Kwazii felt tears sting his eyes. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. His grandfather had never spoken to him like that before. He had always been kind and supportive of him, even when he made mistakes or got into trouble. He had always praised him for his courage and curiosity, even when he got into danger or mischief. He had always loved him unconditionally, even when he was different or difficult. But now he had changed. He had turned into a mean and cruel old man who hated him and rejected him.

"Granddad, please... Don't say that... Don't be like that... I love you... I'm sorry..." Kwazii sobbed.

"Sorry? Sorry? Sorry won't fix anything, Kwazii. Sorry won't bring back my book. Sorry won't make up for your actions. Sorry won't change who you are. You're nothing but a troublemaker, Kwazii. A troublemaker who brings nothing but trouble to me and to the octonauts. A troublemaker who doesn't belong here or anywhere. A troublemaker who should just go away and never come back!" Calico Jack roared.

Kwazii felt a shock of fear and hurt in his chest. He couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't stand to hear those words from his grandfather's mouth. He couldn't bear to see those eyes full of anger and contempt. He couldn't face the reality of what he had done and what he had lost. He wanted to escape from it all. He wanted to run away from the octopod, from the octonauts, from Calico Jack, from himself.

He turned around and ran out of the room, ignoring Calico Jack's calls and the octonauts' questions. He ran through the corridors, past the launch bay, into the Gup-A. He started the engine and sped away from the octopod, without telling anyone where he was going or why he was leaving.

He didn't know where he was going either. He just wanted to get as far away as possible from everything that reminded him of his mistake and his pain. He wanted to find a place where he could be alone and forget about everything.

He drove aimlessly for a while, until he saw a large kelp forest ahead of him. He decided to enter it, hoping to find some peace and quiet among the greenery.

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