AI co-write: feeling Useless, and dangers in the water to emotionless

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⚠️just an au⚠️

one day, Kwazii woke up to the other octonauts coming back from a mission, he looked at them "hope you had fun.." Kwazii said, with fake smile, he sighed, he rarely did anything with or for the octonauts anymore did they not need him? did they even appreciate him? 

a few more weeks past like this... Kwazii felt Bored... his grandfather, Calico Jack, was Visiting, but Kwazii rarely saw him around the octopod... he sighed and wrote a note, and got his helmet, and jumped into the water that was in the Lauch Bay, and swam into the ocean.

he was sure, that tweak would be thankful that he wasn't going to crashing the Gup-B anymore...  weather it was his fault or not... 

Meanwhile, Calico Jack and Tweak walked into Kwazii's room to check on him, they saw he was feeling down for a while... 

Calico Jack and Tweak found the note that Kwazii left on his bed. It read:

"Dear friends,

I'm sorry to say this, but I've decided to leave the Octopod. I don't feel like I belong here anymore. You don't need me, and you don't appreciate me. You're always busy with your missions, and you never have time for me. I'm just a nuisance who crashes the Gups and gets into trouble.

Don't worry about me, I'll be fine on my own. I've always been a pirate, and pirates are free to roam the seas. Maybe I'll find a new adventure, or a new treasure, or a new family.



Calico Jack and Tweak were shocked and saddened by the note. They quickly ran to the Launch Bay, hoping to catch Kwazii before he left. But they were too late. Kwazii was already gone, swimming away from the Octopod with his helmet on.

"Kwazii! Kwazii! Come back!" Calico Jack shouted, but Kwazii didn't hear him.

"We have to go after him!" Tweak said, grabbing her helmet and jumping into the water.

"Wait for me!" Calico Jack said, following her.

They got into the Gup-A, one of the vehicles that the Octonauts use for their missions[^1^][1]. They activated the tracker that was attached to Kwazii's helmet, and followed his signal.

Meanwhile, Kwazii swam aimlessly in the ocean, feeling lonely and sad. He wondered if anyone would miss him, or if anyone would even notice that he was gone. He thought about his friends, the Octonauts, who were like a family to him. He thought about Captain Barnacles, the brave polar bear who was always ready to help anyone in need. He thought about Peso, the gentle penguin who was always caring and kind. He thought about Shellington, the smart sea otter who knew everything about sea creatures. He thought about Dashi, the clever dog who took amazing photos and videos. He thought about Professor Inkling, the wise octopus who taught him many things. He thought about Tweak, the inventive rabbit who built and fixed all the Gups. He thought about Tunip, the cute vegimal who cooked delicious meals.

He missed them all.

He wondered if they missed him too.

He wondered if he made a mistake by leaving them.

He wondered if he should go back.

But then he shook his head and told himself that it was too late. He had made his choice, and he had to live with it. He was a pirate, and pirates don't need anyone.

He decided to look for a place to stay for the night. He spotted a colorful coral reef nearby, and swam towards it. He hoped to find some friendly fish or other sea creatures there.

But what he didn't know was that he was heading towards danger.

he looked around the reef as he entered, he saw a giant octopus, it was an aggressive one, it was attacking the fish, he growled and tried to protect the fish, but the giant octopus was a good fighter, he noticed something in the water, he got closer and examined it, he found it as a toxic thing, as he burned his paw. 

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