AI co-write: Calico Jack's lucky charm and whirlpools

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⚠️just an au⚠️

one day, Kwazii was fidgeting with Calico Jack's Lucky charm, kwazii got shocked by something and let go of it, he didn't realize as he ran off, he got back to the octopod and realized he lost it.

Calico Jack walked over "do you know where my lucky charm is? I can't find it anywhere" Calico Jack said, "yeah uh no, totally didn't lose it..." Kwazii said, trying to hide what he did... Calico Jack growled "you lost it?" Calico Jack glared at Kwazii.

Kwazii looked away, feeling guilty "I'm sorry..." Kwazii sighed, he whimpered, Calico Jack's eyes narrowed.

Calico Jack was furious with Kwazii for losing his lucky charm. He had given it to him as a gift when he was a kitten, and it had been with him through many adventures and dangers. He couldn't believe that Kwazii had been so careless and irresponsible with it.

"How could you lose it, lad? Do you have any idea how important it is to me?" Calico Jack shouted at Kwazii.

Kwazii felt a surge of anger and hurt. He didn't mean to lose the charm, it was an accident. He had been playing with it in the Gup-B, when he saw a flash of light outside. He looked out the window and saw a beautiful rainbow fish swimming by. He was so mesmerized by it that he forgot about the charm in his paw. He reached out to touch the fish, but it darted away. He tried to follow it, but he hit a bump and dropped the charm. He didn't notice it falling into the water, as he was too busy chasing the fish.

"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't do it on purpose! It's just a stupid charm, anyway!" Kwazii snapped back at Calico Jack.

Calico Jack gasped. "Just a stupid charm? How dare you say that? It's not just a charm, it's a symbol of our bond! It's a reminder of our pirate heritage! It's a source of our luck! And you just threw it away like it was nothing!" Calico Jack said, his voice trembling with emotion.

Kwazii felt a pang of guilt, but he was too proud to admit it. He felt like Calico Jack was being unfair and unreasonable. He didn't understand why he was making such a big deal out of it. He thought that Calico Jack loved him more than anything, but now he felt like he loved the charm more than him.

"Well, maybe you should have kept it yourself, then! Maybe you don't need me anymore! Maybe I'm just a burden to you!" Kwazii said, his eyes filling with tears.

Calico Jack was shocked by Kwazii's words. He wanted to hug him and tell him that he loved him more than anything, but he was too angry and hurt to do so. He felt like Kwazii had betrayed him and disrespected him. He thought that Kwazii appreciated his gift and valued their relationship, but now he felt like he didn't care about either.

"Maybe you're right, lad. Maybe you don't belong here anymore. Maybe you should just go away!" Calico Jack said, his voice cracking.

Kwazii couldn't take it anymore. He felt like his heart was breaking. He turned around and ran out of the Octopod, sobbing. He didn't know where he was going, he just wanted to get away from Calico Jack and his harsh words.

Calico Jack watched him go, feeling a mix of anger and regret. He wanted to stop him and apologize, but he was too proud and stubborn to do so. He hoped that Kwazii would come back soon and they would make up, but he didn't know if that would happen.

Kwazii ran as fast as he could, not paying attention to where he was going. He just wanted to escape from his pain and confusion. He wished that he could find the charm and bring it back to Calico Jack, but he knew that it was too late for that. He wondered if Calico Jack would ever forgive him or love him again.

He ran until he reached the edge of a cliff overlooking the ocean. He stopped and looked down at the water below. He saw something shiny in the water, reflecting the sun's rays. He squinted his eyes and realized that it was the charm. It had somehow drifted all the way here from where he had dropped it.

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