AI co-write: Blue-ring poison VS a Grandfather's love

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Kwazii swam into the shipwreck, he looked around it, he saw an octopus, it had blue rings on it's body, he got close "are you okay?" he said petting it, Kwazii soon felt a slight prick and then starts to feel numb and weak "OW" he gasped, after a few minutes, it got hard for Kwazii to breathe.

Meanwhile, Calico Jack was near the shipwreck.

Calico Jack heard Kwazii's gasp and swam towards the source of the sound. He saw Kwazii lying on the floor of the shipwreck, barely moving. He also saw the blue-ringed octopus crawling away from him. He recognized it as one of the most venomous animals in the sea. He quickly swam to Kwazii and checked his pulse. It was weak and irregular. He realized that Kwazii had been bitten by the octopus and that he was in grave danger. He grabbed Kwazii and swam to the surface, then took him to his ship. He laid him down on a bed and performed CPR on him, trying to keep his heart beating and his lungs working. He also called the Octonauts on his radio and told them what had happened. He asked them to send some medical help as soon as possible. He knew that there was no antidote for the venom and that the only hope was to keep Kwazii breathing until the venom wore off.

He looked at Kwazii's face and saw that he was pale and sweaty. He felt a surge of fear and anger. How could he let this happen to his grandson? How could he be so careless and reckless? He blamed himself for not being more careful and protective. He also blamed the octopus for hurting his grandson. He wished he could go back and kill it, but he knew that it was too late. He had to focus on saving Kwazii's life.

He continued to do CPR on Kwazii, hoping that he would survive. He also talked to him, trying to keep him awake and aware. He told him stories about their pirate adventures, their family history, and their love for each other. He told him that he was proud of him, that he was brave and strong, and that he would make it through this. He told him that he loved him more than anything in the world, and that he would never leave him alone.

He prayed to the sea gods to spare his grandson's life, to give him a second chance, to let him see another sunrise. He prayed with all his heart and soul, with tears in his eyes and a lump in his throat.

He prayed until he heard the sound of a Gup approaching his ship.

He prayed until he saw Peso and Shellington jumping out of the Gup with a stretcher and a medical kit.

He prayed until he handed Kwazii over to them and watched them take him inside the Gup.

He prayed until he heard Peso say that Kwazii was still alive, but in critical condition.

He prayed until he got inside the Gup with them and held Kwazii's hand.

He prayed until they reached the Octopod and took Kwazii to the sick bay.

He prayed until he saw Barnacles, Dashi, Tweak, Inkling, Tunip, and the other Vegimals waiting for them with worried faces.

He prayed until he hugged them all and thanked them for their help.

He prayed until he sat by Kwazii's bedside and waited for him to wake up.

He prayed until he heard Kwazii's voice saying "Grandpa?"

He prayed until he saw Kwazii's eyes opening and smiling at him.

He prayed until he kissed Kwazii's forehead and said "I'm here, my boy. I'm here."

Kwazii coughed, Calico Jack put his paw on Kwazii's "lad...?" Calico Jack said, Peso looked over, noticing kwazii was awake. 

Peso smiled and walked over to Kwazii. He checked his vital signs and gave him a thumbs up. "You're awake, Kwazii! You're going to be okay!" he said happily.

Kwazii looked confused and scared. He tried to remember what had happened, but his memory was fuzzy. He felt a sharp pain in his arm and saw a bandage wrapped around it. He also saw his grandfather holding his other paw and looking at him with relief and love. He realized that he had been in some kind of trouble, and that his grandfather had saved him.

He smiled weakly and said "Grandpa? What happened? Where am I?"

Calico Jack hugged him gently and said "You're in the Octopod, lad. You had a run-in with a blue-ringed octopus, and it bit you. It was very bad, but you made it. You're a fighter, just like me."

Kwazii gasped and said "A blue-ringed octopus? But they're so cute and small!"

Calico Jack chuckled and said "They may be cute and small, but they're also very dangerous. They have venom that can stop your breathing and your heart. You were lucky that I was nearby and that I got you to the surface in time. And that Peso and Shellington came to help you."

Kwazii looked at Peso and Shellington and said "Thank you, mates. Thank you for saving my life."

Peso and Shellington smiled and said "You're welcome, Kwazii. We're glad you're okay."

Kwazii looked around and saw the other Octonauts standing by the door, watching him with concern and joy. He saw Barnacles, Dashi, Tweak, Inkling, Tunip, and the other Vegimals. He waved at them and said "Hey, everyone! Thanks for being here!"

The Octonauts cheered and clapped for Kwazii. They came closer and hugged him one by one, telling him how much they missed him and how happy they were to see him awake. They also thanked Calico Jack for rescuing him and praised him for his bravery and skill.

Calico Jack smiled and thanked them back. He felt a warm feeling in his chest, a feeling of gratitude and belonging. He felt like he was part of the Octonauts family, like he had found a new home.

He looked at Kwazii again and said "How do you feel, lad? Do you need anything?"

Kwazii thought for a moment and said "I feel better, grandpa. But I'm still a bit tired and sore. And I'm hungry."

Calico Jack laughed and said "Well, then let's get you some food. How about some pirate stew? It's my special recipe, it'll make you strong again."

Kwazii's eyes lit up and he said "Pirate stew? That sounds delicious! Yes, please!"

Calico Jack nodded and said "Alright then, pirate stew it is. Come on, everyone, let's go to the kitchen. Kwazii needs some food, and so do we."

The Octonauts agreed and followed Calico Jack to the kitchen. They helped him prepare the pirate stew, which was a hearty mix of fish, vegetables, spices, and rum. They served it in big bowls and ate it with bread and butter.

They all enjoyed the pirate stew, especially Kwazii, who ate two bowls of it. He felt his energy returning and his pain fading away. He felt happy and loved.

He thanked his grandfather again for saving him and for making him the pirate stew. He told him that he was the best grandfather ever.

Calico Jack smiled and hugged him again. He told him that he was the best grandson ever.

They both smiled at each other.

They both felt happy.

They both felt loved.

The end.

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