AI co-write: the Coral Parasite Emergency: Kwazii's Mistake

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⚠️just an au⚠️

After a mission Barnacles walked over to Kwazii "WHAT WAS THAT OUT THERE?!" Barnacles screamed at Kwazii, Kwazii looked at barnacles feeling guilty...

Kwazii looked at Barnacles feeling guilty. He knew he had disobeyed the captain's orders and put himself and the others in danger. He tried to defend himself, but his voice was shaky and weak. "I-I was just trying to have some fun, captain. You know me, I love a good adventure. I didn't mean to cause any trouble." Barnacles frowned and shook his head. "Kwazii, this is not a game. We are the Octonauts, and we have a duty to protect the ocean and its creatures. You can't just go off on your own and do whatever you want. You have to follow the rules and work as a team. Do you understand?" Kwazii nodded slowly, but he felt a surge of anger and resentment. He hated being scolded like a naughty kitten. He felt like Barnacles didn't appreciate his skills and spirit. He wanted to prove himself to the captain and the others, but he felt like they always held him back. He decided to run away from the Octopod and find his own adventure. He turned away from Barnacles and ran towards the launch bay. "I understand, captain. I understand that you don't need me here. Well, fine then. I don't need you either. I'm leaving, and I'm not coming back." He said as he jumped into the Gup-E and sped away.

Barnacles was shocked and hurt by Kwazii's words. He tried to call him back, but it was too late. The Gup-E was gone, and so was Kwazii. Barnacles felt a pang of regret and worry. He knew he had been harsh on Kwazii, but he only wanted him to be safe and responsible. He cared for Kwazii as a friend and a crewmate, and he didn't want to lose him. He hoped that Kwazii would come back soon, and that they could sort things out.

Meanwhile, Kwazii was driving the Gup-E through the coral reef. He felt a mix of emotions: anger, sadness, freedom, excitement. He wanted to forget about the Octonauts and their rules, and just enjoy himself. He saw a colorful fish swimming by and decided to follow it. He didn't notice that he was getting closer to the surface, where a fishing boat was waiting.

The fisherman on the boat saw the Gup-E on his sonar and thought it was a big fish or a shark. He decided to catch it with his net. He threw the net into the water and waited for it to sink.

Kwazii saw the net coming towards him and tried to avoid it, but it was too late. The net wrapped around him and the Gup-E, trapping them inside. Kwazii panicked and struggled to get free, but it was no use. The net was too strong and tight.

The fisherman pulled the net up with his winch and saw what he had caught: a strange submarine with an orange cat inside. He was surprised and curious, but also greedy. He thought that he could sell the submarine and the cat for a lot of money.

He grabbed the net with his hands and tried to pull it onto his boat, but he didn't notice that there was something else in the net: a coral parasite.

The coral parasite was a tiny creature that lived on coral reefs and fed on other animals' blood. It had sharp teeth and a long proboscis that it used to pierce its prey's skin.

The coral parasite sensed Kwazii's warmth and movement in the net and decided to attack him. It crawled towards him and stabbed him with its proboscis.

Kwazii felt a sharp pain in his arm and looked down. He saw the coral parasite attached to him, sucking his blood.

He screamed in horror and pain.

"Help! Help! Somebody help me!"

He layed down in the net thinking nobody was nearby, that nobody would come....

He didn't know that somebody was nearby, Calico Jack was sailing in the area when he heard his grandson's voice...

Calico Jack was sailing in the area when he heard his grandson's voice. He recognized it as Kwazii's and wondered what he was doing there. He followed the sound and saw the fishing boat with the net. He saw Kwazii and the Gup-E trapped in the net, along with the coral parasite. He was shocked and worried.

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