Ai co-write: Fire and Smoke in the forest VS Pirates

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🔠Above and beyond timeline🔠

⚠️Just an au⚠️

Kwazii walked around the woods, he was on a solo mission for the octonauts, he looked around, he saw many trees around him, he looked at his Octo-watch and marked the area, he saw a storm coming in... "I should go" he told himself... but when he turned to go back to the beach, where his gup was parked, Lightning struck a few of the trees around him, causing them to light on fire... Kwazii looked around, as the fire started to engulf the forest, some trees fell, blocking his path, Kwazii tried to find another way but it was hard to see past the smoke and flames, the smoke also made it hard to breath.

Kwazii coughed and wheezed, looking around, the fire was still spreading, and growing "ugh... there's no way out" Kwazii said, he coughed again "and this smoke is not helping" he told himself, looking around for an exit again, he didn't see a tree fall behind him, he heard a crack and looked behind him, he saw the tree, he tried to jump out of the way but part of the tree landed on his leg, trapping him "Well this can't get any worse" Kwazii told himself, a second later lightning struck the fallen tree, lighting it on fire, the fire came closer to kwazii "Okay,  I lied"  he told himself.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the island, Calico Jack noticed a storm brewing, and lightning hitting the trees... he saw the fire, it was growing quickly, Calico Jack looked at the flames "didn't Kwazii have a solo mission over there?" Calico Jack looked at Pete in worry, was kwazii over there? Calico Jack checked his octo-watch and saw kwazii's icon.. right in the middle of the fire..

Calico Jack gasped, seeing Kwazii's icon in the middle of the fire. He knew he had to act fast, or his grandson would be in grave danger. He grabbed his hat and his hook and ran to the Gup-B, which was parked nearby. He jumped in and started the engine, heading towards the fire. He contacted Kwazii on his Octo-watch, hoping he was still alive.

"Kwazii, can you hear me? It's grandad!" Calico Jack shouted into the watch.

"Grandad? Is that you?" Kwazii's voice came through, weak and raspy.

"Yes, it's me, lad. Are you alright? Where are you?" Calico Jack asked, worried.

"I'm... I'm trapped under a burning tree. I can't move. The fire is everywhere. Grandad, I'm scared." Kwazii said, coughing.

"Don't worry, Kwazii. I'm coming to get you. Just hang in there, okay?" Calico Jack said, trying to sound calm.

"Okay... okay... hurry, grandad. Please." Kwazii said, fading out.

Calico Jack sped up the Gup-B, dodging the flames and the falling branches. He followed Kwazii's icon on his watch, hoping it was accurate. He soon reached the spot where Kwazii was supposed to be, but he couldn't see him through the smoke and fire. He parked the Gup-B and got out, covering his mouth with a cloth. He looked around, calling out for Kwazii.

"Kwazii! Kwazii! Where are you?" Calico Jack shouted.

"Grandad... over here..." Kwazii's voice came from behind a wall of fire.

Calico Jack saw a faint outline of Kwazii's body under a burning tree. He felt a surge of fear and anger. He grabbed his hook and ran towards the fire, ignoring the heat and the pain. He reached the tree and used his hook to lift it off Kwazii's leg. He saw Kwazii's face, pale and sweaty, his eyes closed. He checked his pulse and felt a faint beat.

"Kwazii! Kwazii! Wake up!" Calico Jack said, shaking him gently.

Kwazii opened his eyes slightly, looking at Calico Jack. He smiled weakly.

"Grandad... you came..." Kwazii said.

"Of course I came, lad. I'm not going to let anything happen to you." Calico Jack said, hugging him.

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