AI co-write: Blizzards and Kwazii's hidden singing voice

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⚠️just an au⚠️

One day, Kwazii had started to sing, he was a great singer, but he kept it secret, cause he didn't think his friands would accept him.... he soon realized that he left his microphone on, after he was done with his love song, he walked out to hear the other octonauts, expect for Barnacles, talking about how cute and funny his Hobbie was, Kwazii ran out of the octopod, and used the gup-B to drive away from the octopod, he didn't realize that he was headed to the Arctic, or that a blizzard was on the way...

Meanwhile back at the octopod, Barnacles had heard what the others were saying about kwazii and was mad, mostly cause he knew it was why kwazii left the octopod.. "what are you guys talking about?" Barnacles growled.

 The other Octonauts looked at Barnacles and saw that he was angry. They wondered what they had done to upset him. They said, "We're just talking about Kwazii's talent, Barnacles. He can sing beautifully, and he loves to express himself through music. We heard him singing a love song in his cabin, and we thought it was cute and funny."

Barnacles said, "You heard him singing a love song in his cabin? How did you hear that? Did he invite you to listen to him?"

The other Octonauts said, "No, he didn't invite us. He left his microphone on, and we heard him through the speakers. It was an accident, Barnacles. We didn't mean to spy on him."

Barnacles said, "But you did spy on him, mates. You invaded his privacy and his choice. You listened to his secret hobby, and you laughed at him and teased him. You made him feel embarrassed and humiliated."

The other Octonauts said, "No, we didn't laugh at him or tease him, Barnacles. We were surprised and amused by his hobby, and we complimented him and encouraged him. We made him feel appreciated and admired."

Barnacles said, "Well, he didn't feel that way, mates. He felt hurt and angry by your intrusion. He ran away from the Octopod, and we don't know where he is or how he is. He could be in trouble or in danger."

The other Octonauts gasped and said, "What? He ran away? Why? Where did he go? How do you know?"

Barnacles said, "I saw him leave in the Gup-B. He looked upset and scared. He didn't say anything to me or anyone else. He just drove away as fast as he could. I tried to follow him, but I lost him in the snowstorm. I don't know where he is now, or if he's okay."

The other Octonauts felt a pang of guilt and regret. They realized that they had made a mistake, and that they had hurt Kwazii's feelings. They said, "Oh, no. We're so sorry, Barnacles. We didn't mean to upset him or make him run away. We just thought it was funny and adorable. We didn't think he would mind."

Barnacles said, "Well, he did mind, mates. And you should have respected his privacy and his choice. You should have asked him before you listened to him or talked about him. You should have been more considerate and sensitive."

The other Octonauts nodded and said, "You're right, Barnacles. We should have done that. We were wrong and insensitive. We're sorry, Kwazii."

They looked at the microphone on Kwazii's desk and felt a tear roll down their cheeks.

They hoped that Kwazii was safe and sound.

They hoped that he would forgive them.

Meanwhile, Calico Jack had been searching for an adventure in the Arctic, when he saw a ginger shape, laying still in the snow, and recognized it as his grandson, Kwazii, He ran over and checked his pulse and breathing, and found nothing....

Calico Jack felt a surge of panic and despair. He thought he had lost his grandson, and that he was too late to save him. He cried out, "Kwazii, no! Don't leave me, Kwazii! Please, Kwazii, stay with me!"

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