AI co-write: Collapsed lost Spyglasses and grandson

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⚠️Just an au⚠️

One day, Kwazii barrowed his grandfather's spyglass in secret, because a friand was using his to teach his daughter, Kwazii swam around the shipwreck - he had been asked to explore it by the captain, Barnacles, Kwazii swam around the shipwreck, and soon found a chest "Stormy will love most of these Necklaces..." Kwazii said taking some out of the chest, he also found a few blank books that he and Ari could use to write their old stories in they used to think of as kids... 

suddenly, the ship started to fall apart, kwazii swam around the debris, he managed to escape but he lost the spyglass... he looked back at the ship as he went back to the octopod, the suken ship wasn't fully collapsed...

He got back to the octopod, where Calico Jack was waiting "Kwazii, my spyglass is missing do you know where it is...?" Calico Jack asked "Uhm.... I kinda used it to do something... Barnacles asked me to do... and lost... it?" Kwazii said, Calico Jack slapped him harshly. 

 Calico Jack was furious with Kwazii for losing his spyglass. He had inherited it from his father, who was a legendary pirate and explorer. He had used it to find many treasures and secrets in the ocean. He had trusted Kwazii to take good care of it, but Kwazii had betrayed him.

"Kwazii, you scurvy scoundrel! How could you be so greedy and dishonest? You took my spyglass without my permission and used it to loot a shipwreck! You have no respect for me or my legacy! You are not a real pirate, you are a thief and a liar! I am ashamed of you, Kwazii! I don't want to see you again!" Calico Jack shouted at Kwazii, slapping him harshly.

Kwazii felt a sharp pain in his cheek and a deep ache in his heart. He loved his grandfather more than anything, but he had disappointed him. He had only wanted to find some gifts for his friends, who had been kind and supportive to him. He had not meant to lose the spyglass, but he had panicked when the ship collapsed. He wished he could explain himself, but Calico Jack was not listening. He was too angry and hurt.

Kwazii ran away from the Octopod, tears streaming down his face. He felt like he had no place to go, no one to turn to. He decided to go back to the sunken ship, hoping to find the spyglass and return it to Calico Jack. Maybe then he would forgive him and love him again.

He swam as fast as he could, ignoring the dangers and obstacles in his way. He reached the shipwreck, which was now completely submerged under the water. He searched through the debris, looking for the spyglass. He found it under a pile of wood and metal. He grabbed it and smiled, feeling relieved.

However, his joy was short-lived. As he tried to swim out of the ship, he realized that he was trapped. The debris had shifted and blocked the exit. He tried to push it away, but it was too heavy and solid. 

started to panic, feeling his oxygen running low. He shouted for help, but no one heard him.

Meanwhile, back at the Octopod, Calico Jack had calmed down a bit. He realized that he had been too harsh on Kwazii. He remembered how much he loved him, how much he had taught him, how much he had shared with him. He regretted his words and his actions. He wanted to apologize to Kwazii and hug him.

He asked Barnacles where Kwazii was. Barnacles told him that Kwazii had run away from the Octopod after their fight. He said that he had tried to follow him, but he had lost sight of him near the shipwreck. He said that he was worried about Kwazii, because the shipwreck was unstable and dangerous.

Calico Jack felt a surge of fear and guilt. He realized that Kwazii might be in trouble because of him. He asked Barnacles to help him find Kwazii and bring him back safely. Barnacles agreed and called the other Octonauts to join them.

They boarded the Gup-X and headed towards the shipwreck. They used the sonar to scan the area for signs of Kwazii. They found him inside the ship, trapped under the debris. They saw that he was holding the spyglass in his hand.

They used the claw arm of the Gup-X to lift the debris and clear a path for Kwazii. They saw that he was unconscious and pale. They quickly pulled him out of the ship and into the Gup-X.

Calico Jack rushed to Kwazii's side and checked his pulse. It was weak but steady. He breathed a sigh of relief and hugged Kwazii tightly.

"Kwazii, my boy, I'm so sorry! I love you so much! Please wake up!" Calico Jack cried.

Kwazii slowly opened his eyes and saw Calico Jack's face. He smiled weakly and handed him the spyglass.

"Grandpa... I found your spyglass... I'm sorry I lost it... I'm sorry I made you angry... I love you too..." Kwazii said.

Calico Jack took the spyglass and kissed Kwazii's forehead.

"Thank you, Kwazii... You don't have to be sorry... You are brave and generous... You are a true pirate... You are my grandson..." Calico Jack said.

They hugged each other again and cried tears of joy.

The other Octonauts cheered and clapped for them.

They returned to the Octopod, where Peso treated Kwazii's wounds and gave him some oxygen.

Kwazii recovered quickly and thanked his friends for saving him.

Calico Jack gave him some of the gold coins he had found in the shipwreck and told him to keep them as a gift.

He also gave him his spyglass and told him to use it as he wished.

He said that he was proud of him and that he would always be there for him.

Kwazii was overjoyed and hugged his grandfather.

They decided to go on another adventure together, this time with the Octonauts.

They explored the ocean and helped the marine creatures in need.

They had fun and learned new things.

They were happy and grateful.

The end. 

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