AI co-write: Hidden conditions and run away kwazii's

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⚠️Just an au⚠️


Kwazii looked around, Kwazii looked around, and saw some seaweed dishes prepared by the captain "you want some kwazii?" Barnacles asked "uhm, no, sorry, thank you..." Kwazii said and smiled, he avoided seaweed as to not reveal his secret - or get hurt....

Shellington walked into the room, with some bowls "lunch time!" Barnacles called out, the octonauts then got ready to eat, Kwazii ate some of the soup, but it made him feel werid "Shellington... what's in this?" Kwazii asked...

 Shellington looked at the bowl and smiled. "It's seaweed soup, Kwazii. It's very nutritious and delicious. I made it with some fresh seaweed that I collected from the kelp forest this morning." He said, unaware of Kwazii's condition.

Kwazii felt a surge of panic and nausea. He knew he was allergic to seaweed, but he didn't want to tell anyone. He was afraid they would think he was weak or weird. He tried to act normal, but he couldn't hide the symptoms. His face turned red, his eyes watered, his throat swelled, and his stomach churned.

He quickly got up from his seat and ran out of the room. "Sorry, I have to go... I don't feel so good..." He muttered, barely able to speak. He ran to his cabin and locked the door behind him. He hoped that the reaction would subside soon, but it only got worse.

He felt a sharp pain in his chest and a burning sensation in his veins. He looked at his arm and saw a purple mark on his skin. He realized that he had been bitten by a venomous sea snake that was hiding in the seaweed. He had no idea how to treat the bite, and he didn't have any antivenom with him.

He felt dizzy and weak. He knew he was in trouble, but he was too proud and stubborn to call for help. He thought he could handle it on his own, but he was wrong. He collapsed on the floor, unconscious and in danger.

meanwhile, Calico Jack walked into the octopod... and found the octonauts, expect for kwazii, eating some sort of soup, it was a green soup "what kind of soup you eating?" Calico Jack asked, having a suspicion "seaweed soup, why?" Shellington asked, Calico Jack ignored the question "did Kwazii eat any?" Calico Jack asked "yes, a little but he ran off a bit ago..." Shellington replied "why?" Shellington asked, Calico Jack sighed, he didn't know what to say, he was worried about kwazii. 

Calico Jack looked at the Octonauts with a serious expression. "Listen, mates, I have something to tell you. Kwazii has a rare genetic condition that makes him allergic to seaweed. He inherited it from his mother, who died from a seaweed overdose when he was a baby. He never told anyone about it, not even me, until I found out by accident a few years ago. He was ashamed of his weakness, and he didn't want anyone to worry about him. He always avoided seaweed as much as he could, but sometimes he couldn't help it. He had a few close calls in the past, but he always managed to recover on his own. But this time, it might be different. He might have eaten some seaweed that was contaminated by a venomous sea snake. That could be fatal if not treated quickly. We have to find him and save him, before it's too late."

The Octonauts were shocked and saddened by Calico Jack's revelation. They felt guilty for not noticing Kwazii's condition, and for making him eat the seaweed soup. They wondered how he could hide such a big secret from them for so long. They realized how much they cared about him, and how much they would miss him if he was gone.

They quickly sprang into action and followed Calico Jack to the Gup-A. They used the Octo-Alert to scan the ocean for Kwazii's signal. They hoped that he was still alive and conscious, and that they could reach him in time.

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