AI co-write: Cursed eyepatches of future visions

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⚠️just an au⚠️

one day, Peso was doing a health check on some of the octonauts, Kwazii was next, Peso tried to take off his eyepatch to check his eye "WAIT!" Kwazii screamed backing away, Peso looked at him "Kwazii I know you love your eyepatch but... I need to check your eye..." Peso said, Kwazii nodded, and lifted the eyepatch a bit, and let peso check it, it wasn't completely off...

after the check-up kwazii sighed, he didn't know what to do with himself...

Kwazii put his eyepatch back on and left the med bay. He felt a sharp pain in his head, and he knew it was a sign of another vision. He quickly ran to his cabin and locked the door. He lay down on his bed and closed his eyes, hoping to see something good for a change.

But he was disappointed. He saw a terrible scene of the Octopod being attacked by a giant monster. He saw the monster's tentacles smashing the windows and grabbing the Gups. He saw the Octonauts screaming and running for their lives. He saw Captain Barnacles trying to fight the monster, but getting knocked down by its powerful tail. He saw Peso, Dashi, Shellington, Tweak, Professor Inkling, and Tunip being dragged into the monster's mouth.

He felt a surge of fear and anger. He couldn't let this happen. He had to do something. He opened his eyes and got up from his bed. He grabbed his sword and his helmet, and headed to the launch bay. He saw the Gup-A parked there, ready for action. He jumped into it and started the engine. He didn't care if anyone noticed him or not. He had to stop the monster before it was too late.

He drove the Gup-A out of the Octopod and into the open ocean. He looked around for any signs of the monster. He didn't have to look far. He saw a huge shadow looming over him. He looked up and gasped. It was the monster from his vision. It was a colossal squid, bigger than any he had ever seen before. It had red eyes, sharp beak, and long arms covered with suckers and hooks.

The squid noticed him too. It roared and lunged at him. Kwazii dodged its attack and fired a flare at its eye. The squid flinched and backed away. Kwazii took this opportunity to slash at its arm with his sword. The squid shrieked and retaliated with another strike. Kwazii avoided it again and fired another flare at its other eye.

The squid was blinded and enraged. It thrashed around wildly, trying to hit Kwazii with its arms or tail. Kwazii kept moving and cutting, hoping to weaken the squid enough to make it retreat.

But he was not careful enough. One of the squid's arms caught him off guard and wrapped around him and the Gup-A. Kwazii felt a sharp pain as the hooks pierced his skin and clothes. He tried to free himself, but it was too late. The squid lifted him up and brought him closer to its mouth.

Kwazii felt a drop of blood fall from his wound onto his eyepatch. He felt a sudden jolt of electricity run through his body. He screamed in agony as his vision went black.

Meanwhile, Peso and Barnacles had noticed Kwazii was missing and sounded the octo-alert, as they were starting to get worried...

The Octonauts gathered in the HQ, where Peso and Barnacles explained the situation.

"Peso and I were doing a health check on Kwazii, but he seemed very nervous and jumpy. He didn't let me take off his eyepatch to check his eye. He only lifted it a bit, and then he left in a hurry." Peso said.

"I checked the launch bay, and I saw that the Gup-A was missing. I also found this note on the floor. It says: 'I have to go. There's something I need to do. Don't worry about me. I'll be back soon. Kwazii.'" Barnacles said.

"What do you think he's up to?" Dashi asked.

"I don't know, but it doesn't sound good. Kwazii never leaves without telling us where he's going or why." Shellington said.

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