AI co-write: Black-Banded Sea Krait and misunderstandings of Heirloom

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⚠️Just an au⚠️

Calico Jacks stared at kwazii in anger "HOW CAN YOU LOSE SUCH AN IMPORTANT PEICE OF OUR LEGACY THAT EASILY?!" he screamed, Kwazii flinched "It fell out of my pocket... I thought I had it when I got out of the gup, but it wasn't there when I got here!" Kwazii told his grandfather, who just narrowed his eyes "if you didn't care about our legacy, you should have said something..." Calico Jack spoke with anger in his voice, did his grandson lie to him? "BUT I DO!" Kwazii screamed, how could his grandfather accuse him of such? "How did I get a grandson who lies about caring about his legacy?" Calico Jack growled, Kwazii stared in shock... and ran off... 

Calico Jack covered his mouth when he realized what he had just said.... He saw his grandson run off and felt such regret....

Kwazii ran off and dived into the water, he was going to take a swim to get his mind off things, he didn't see the Black Banded Sea krait behind him, it bit him on the leg and kwazii swam to the surface, but he sank back under as he felt the poison take hold...

Meanwhile, Calico Jack had started to look for his grandson all over the island, he couldn't find him and started to go to the beach.

Calico Jack reached the beach and scanned the water with his spyglass, looking for any sign of Kwazii. He felt worried and guilty, and wanted to find him and apologize.

He spotted a flash of orange in the water and recognized Kwazii's hat. He also saw a black and white snake swimming away from it. He realized what had happened and felt a surge of fear and panic.

He quickly grabbed his radio and called for help, "Octonauts, this is Calico Jack. I need your help. Kwazii's been bitten by a black-banded sea krait. He's unconscious in the water. I need you to bring the Gup-E and some anti-venom. Hurry!"

He heard the other Octonauts acknowledge his message and say that they were on their way. He hoped that they would make it in time.

He jumped into the water and swam towards Kwazii, hoping that he was still alive. He reached him and lifted him up, holding him close to his chest.

He checked his pulse and felt a faint heartbeat. He saw the bite mark on his leg and saw that it was bleeding.

He said to him, "Hang in there, lad. Hang in there. You're going to be okay. I'm here with you. I'm not going anywhere. I'm sorry, matey. I'm so sorry."

He swam back to the shore, carrying Kwazii with him. He laid him down on the sand and tried to keep him warm.

He waited for the other Octonauts to arrive, hoping and praying that it wasn't too late.

he used his spyglass to look out for the gup e, hoping it was close, he looked back to see kwazii having a Seizure.

Calico Jack saw Kwazii having a seizure and felt a wave of terror and helplessness. He knew that this was a sign of the venom affecting his nervous system and his brain.

He tried to calm him down and prevent him from hurting himself. He held him gently and spoke to him softly, "It's okay, lad. It's okay. You're going to be fine. Just relax. Just breathe. I'm here, lad. I'm here."

He looked up and saw the Gup-E approaching. He felt a glimmer of hope and relief. He waved his hat and shouted, "Over here! Over here!"

He saw Shellington driving the Gup-E and saw him stop near the shore. He saw him jump out of the Gup-E and run towards them, carrying a medical kit.

He said to him, "Shellington! Thank goodness you're here! Kwazii's been bitten by a black-banded sea krait. He's having a seizure. He needs anti-venom. Quickly!"

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