AI co-write: Rare fish and Fishermen trouble

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⚠️just an au⚠️

one day, Kwazii and Calico Jack are having a pirate picnic on the beach when they see a rare fish swimming near the shore, "wow that fish looks so cool!" Kwazii said as he got up "what are you doing, lad?" Calico Jack said looking at him "I'm going to take a photo of it for Dashi and Shellington!" Kwazii told his grandfather, who growled "you will not, it may not be safe!" Calico Jack growled, worry sounding in his voice, kwazii rolled his eyes.

Kwazii ignored his grandfather's warning and ran towards the water with his camera. "Come on, matey, don't be such a scaredy-cat!" he shouted over his shoulder. "It's just a fish, not a sea monster!"

Calico Jack was furious and followed him. "Kwazii, stop right there!" he yelled. "You don't know what that fish can do! It could have sharp teeth, or venom, or electric shocks!"

Kwazii reached the edge of the water and saw the fish swimming closer. It was a beautiful blue color with yellow stripes and a long tail. It looked friendly and curious, not dangerous at all. Kwazii smiled and raised his camera. "Don't worry, grandpa, I'll be fine!" he said. "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

Calico Jack grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "No, you won't!" he said. "You'll be in big trouble if you go near that fish! You're not ready for this kind of adventure!"

Kwazii felt a surge of anger and frustration. He jerked his arm away from Calico Jack and glared at him. "What do you mean, I'm not ready?" he snapped. "I'm an Octonaut, just like you! I've been on hundreds of missions and seen all kinds of creatures! I can handle this fish, no problem!"

Calico Jack shook his head and frowned. "You're still a young lad, Kwazii," he said. "You have a lot to learn about the ocean and its dangers. You can't just rush into things without thinking. You have to be careful and respectful of the creatures you meet."

Kwazii felt insulted and hurt by his grandfather's words. He thought that Calico Jack was proud of him and his achievements as an Octonaut, but now he felt like he was being treated like a child. He didn't want to be careful and respectful, he wanted to be adventurous and daring. He wanted to be like Calico Jack, the greatest cat pirate ever.

"Careful and respectful?" Kwazii repeated sarcastically. "Is that what you are, grandpa? A careful and respectful pirate? That doesn't sound very fun or exciting to me!"

Calico Jack was shocked and hurt by Kwazii's words. He thought that Kwazii admired him and his stories as a pirate, but now he felt like he was being mocked and rejected. He didn't want to be adventurous and daring, he wanted to be wise and responsible. He wanted to protect Kwazii, his only grandson.

"Fun and exciting?" Calico Jack repeated angrily. "Is that what you think being a pirate is all about? Having fun and excitement? That's not what being a pirate means to me!"

They stared at each other with resentment and disappointment in their eyes. They both felt misunderstood and betrayed by the other. They both loved each other very much, but they couldn't see it at that moment.

They opened their mouths to say more hurtful things, but they were interrupted by a loud splash.

They turned their heads and saw the fish jumping out of the water.

And behind it, a large net.

"HEY STOP!" Kwazii said as he dived into the water, and swam towards the fishermen and his net, the first net missed the fish and the fishermen prepared another as Kwazii grabbed the fish, the fishermen threw the net and it landed on kwazii and the fish, part of the net was broken and tightened around kwazii's throat, he gasped and coughed and tried to untie it, but it was only getting worse.

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