Ai co-write: Lionfish sting

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⚠️just an au like everything in this oneshot book⚠️

Kwazii was swimming around the area, he didn't see the lionfish behind him, he was looking for a new fish for Shellington, The lionfish got Closer as it did, Kwazii swam backwards, not knowing it was there... or that he was scaring it.  

The lionfish felt threatened by Kwazii's sudden movement. It raised its spines and prepared to defend itself. It stabbed Kwazii on the tail with one of its spines, injecting venom into his body.

Kwazii felt a sharp pain and looked behind him. He saw the lionfish and realized what had happened.

"Ow! Grandpa! I've been stung by a lionfish!" he shouted.

Calico Jack heard his cry and swam to him. He saw the spine sticking out of Kwazii's tail and recognized the lionfish.

"Oh no, lad! That's a lionfish! They're venomous!" he said.

He lifted Kwazii up and carried him to his Gup-R, which was parked nearby. He laid him down on a seat and checked his pulse.

"Kwazii, stay with me, matey. You'll be okay," he said.

He grabbed his radio and called the Octopod.

"Octopod, come in! This is Calico Jack. We have an emergency!" he said.

"Calico Jack, this is Captain Barnacles. What's the problem?" Barnacles answered.

"Kwazii's been stung by a lionfish. We need your help!" Calico Jack said.

"A lionfish? That's serious. Where are you?" Barnacles asked.

"We're on the coral reef near the sunken ship. Can you send Peso and some antivenom?" Calico Jack said.

"We're on our way. Hang in there, Calico Jack. And Kwazii," Barnacles said.

He turned to Peso and told him to get ready. He also alerted the other Octonauts and asked them to prepare for a medical emergency.

Kwazii slowly started to Faint, Calico Jack used his spyglass to check where the octonauts were, then looked back to kwazii, who was now fully unconscious "lad?" Calico Jack said looking at him. 

Calico Jack felt a surge of panic as he saw Kwazii's eyes closed and his body limp. He checked his pulse and breathing and saw that they were weak and slow.

"Kwazii, can you hear me?" he asked.

There was no answer.

"Kwazii, please, wake up," he said.

He shook him gently, but there was no response.

He grabbed his radio and called the Octopod again.

"Octopod, come in! This is Calico Jack. How far are you?" he said.

"Calico Jack, this is Captain Barnacles. We're almost there. Just hold on a little longer," Barnacles said.

"Please hurry, Captain. Kwazii's unconscious. He's not waking up," Calico Jack said.

"Unconscious? Oh no. Don't worry, Calico Jack. We'll be there soon," Barnacles said.

He turned to Peso and told him to speed up. He also told the other Octonauts to get ready for a rescue.

Meanwhile, Calico Jack tried to keep Kwazii alive and warm. He noticed that Kwazii was pale and cold. He also saw that his tail was swelling and turning red.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry," Kwazii whispered.

"Sorry? For what?" Calico Jack asked.

"For getting stung. For causing trouble," Kwazii said.

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