(Villain)Izuku Midoriya/Deku[Revisited]

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(A/n: redid this one bc I hated the original. Hopefully this is somewhat better)
Y/n's POV

"What the hell happened? Wait... where am I?", I looked around to see if there was anything familiar in the area. The only other thing in the room with me was an old mattress. I sat up, well tried to, and felt a pain in my back, "That mattress would've lovely to sleep on instead of this hard ass floor," It was when I went to rub my back that I realized I was chained up. I probably should've noticed earlier but the strange stain on the floor that I'm hoping isn't blood distracted me.

I leaned against a nearby wall, the chains extended out pretty far, and looked at the shackles around my hands and feet, "At least they aren't rusty. They rubbed me raw though. Great, can't wait to die from that." I sighed and slumped further down the wall and looked up at the ceiling. There was old fan, it definitely worked because it was turned on, probably the thing that's keeping me cool in here. There was also a window, the bright daylight flooded into the which I was grateful for. I could see everything in there, much more preferable than wandering around in the dark. I waited around a bit and then got up and tried to look out the window, sadly the chains didn't reach that far. So I stood a few feet away from the window and tried to find any familiar landmarks. There was nothing, maybe there actually was, the sun was just so blinding and my eyes were taking long to adjust.

As I continued to stare out the window, looking like a crazy person, the door opened, making me freeze in place.

"Oh you're finally awake. I was starting to think you died on me." That voice... definitely belonged to Izuku. Something was off about it though, he sounded a bit... insane, so to speak. I turned around to see Izuku with a knife in his hand and an outfit that isn't his style but worked on him. My cheeks warmed up, taking in his rather attractive appearance.

"Hey Izuku. Any idea why I'm chained up?" I cleared my throat and questioned. Probably not the first thing I should've asked, but hopefully I'll have another chance to ask something more important.

"I kidnapped you." He answered with a smile. Internally I was freaked out but I tried my best not to let it show.

"Oh- well... seems like we're gonna be here for a while. Got any games?" Really Y/n? He kidnaps you and ask if he has any games. You're done, you're getting killed for sure. My mind was racing, going back and forth with itself while Izuku squinted at my nervous smile.

*Two hour time skip*


"Fuck. The color's blue."

"... uno out," I quickly placed my card upright on the deck as Izuku threw his cards, exaggerating his loss. He was creepy at first but after playing a few games with him I realized he wasn't all that bad, even if he was a villain now. He was kinda the same person, just with more flavor, still the sweet boy I remember though, "That was 2 out of 3 Izuku. You know what you have to do."

"Yeah yeah, I know," Izuku pulled a key out of his pocket and unlocked my shackles. I stood up and stretched and walked to the window. Izuku watched me like a hawk, making sure I didn't try anything. He gave me a confused look when I turned around with a smile.

"I could get used to this, y'know. Especially if you moved me to another room. This one is kinda... dirty." I glanced down at the mystery stain.

"You want to stay?" I nodded at his question, "You're not afraid that I'll stab you or something?"

"No, not really. I trust you believe it or not," should I say this... yea, it's not like I have anything to lose, "I wanna stay with you because I feel safe and I like you and all that good stuff..." I muttered, staring at the floor in embarrassment. I looked up and saw Izuku's face light up. He ran to me and picked me up and twirled around with me in his arms. HOLY SHIT WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO HIM- WHY IS HE SO STRONG!?

"Oh, doll. That's just what I wanted to hear," he set me down and smashed his lips against mine before pulling away to reveal his pink tinted cheeks and psychotic yet loving smile, "Let's go get you cleaned up." He intertwined his fingers with mine and pulled me out of the room, leading me to whatever destination he had in mind. What a lovely way to start a long relationship between two totally sane people.

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