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"Why are you drinking coffee?" Garou's voice made you jump and spill a little coffee on yourself. You aren't supposed to be drinking coffee, mainly because you had a cup an hour ago, but also because it makes you hyper.

"No... this is hot... chocolate...? Yeah. Hot chocolate," You nodded while wiping the coffee off your chin. Garou knew it was coffee and didn't feel like taking it from you. He pulled out one of the barstools from under the bar/counter/whatever you wanna call it, and sat down. He put his chin on his hands and yawned before staring at you. He sleepily admired you while you scrolled on your phone and sipped your coffee. It didn't take you long to notice, "What, sleepy head?"

"Nothing. How'd you sleep last night?"

"I didn't."

"You didn't?"

"No I was down here working still. That's why I'm drinking so much cof- hot chocolate."

"Then... who was I holding last night?"

"S/n(son's name) and a huge pillow."

"How do you know?" Garou squinted and you looked away quickly and picked up a piece of paper you had wrote a to do list on and skimmed through it.

"So, I need to run some errands today and we have nobody to watch the kids so they're gonna have to come with us," Garou smirked and made his way to you. He snaked his arms around your waist and was going to kiss you. But your daughter started crying, "Not it. Also, go get dressed. We need to go now or we'll be out all day." He frowned and groaned while making his way upstairs.

After calming your daughter down, getting both kids dressed and ready, preparing the baby bag which you added a few things in, making sure the car seat is secure, and a bunch of other things, your circus finally left. Garou was driving because if you were that'd be a mess if you were. Garou was listening to the maps as you were scribbling more things you had to do, using the box of cake as a mock desk. You were careful not to put a lot of pressure on it. Luckily the places you needed to go weren't very far and you didn't have to spend a ton of time at them.

The car ride to the first place was nice and calm. You were all just enjoying the music and talking. You said a few questionable things here and there but you made sense for the most part. When you got to the first place you needed to be, you cautiously got out the car, trying not to drop the box of cake that was on your lap. After thanking Garou for waiting in the car with the kids, you went in the place to finish the delivery. It was all fine until he saw you running out of the place and frantically getting into the car.



"Drive dammit!" You hit his arm and he did as you said and drove off. There was a group of guys that ran out the same building, you knew they didn't know which car was yours since there were too many in the parking lot. So, you running off of adrenaline and coffee and maybe 30 minutes of sleep, flipped them off and cackled while they just stared angrily. When you settled down, Garou looked at you, expecting an explanation, "What?"

"The hell was that?"

"Oh, haha, I interrupted an 'important' meeting. They got mad and said some things. I said some things. But what's important that the client was satisfied and will remain loyal." You smiled broadly. Garou sighed, already knowing how today was going to go.

"What's important is that we didn't get hurt and that the kids are okay."

"Yeah.That too. Okay so this is the next place," You put the destination in maps and Garou followed the directions until the area became familiar. On the way to the next place, you and your son were having a conversation about toys he wanted for his birthday, Garou occasionally chimed in. Then your son started planning out his party, with your help of course. The conversation was cut short when you arrived at the next client's, your bestfriend's, house. It was a pretty nice neighborhood, and you were familiar with it since you come here often. You got out and opened the back door, "Hand me that cake please. And be very careful S/n (son's name)." He handed it to you as carefully as he could. You kissed his forehead to let him know he did a good job, then told everyone you'll be right back.

You ended up staying and laughing with your friend for a while. Then invited her to come finish the last few deliveries with you. You also let her tag along because she offered to take the kids off of you and Garou's hands for a while. When both of you came out the house, Garou let out a loud groan, alarming the kids.

"What's wrong daddy?"

"Nothing. Scoot over so F/n can get in." He scooted over the same time your friend opened the door.

"Auntie F/n is going come with us then she's going to take you and D/n to the mall since she can't come over for your birthday, okay S/n?" He wasn't listening because your friend was tickling him and making him laugh. You could feel Garou staring at you in annoyance so you turned your attention to him, "Sorry. She said she'd take the kids for a while so we can get a break for a while. You can come in the next few places with me if you want." He gave you a small smirk and turned his attention to the phone. You grinned excitedly and put in the directions to the next place, which happened to be a bar.

When you and Garou walked in, everybody in the place, except for one patron, greeted you warmly. You greeted them back, since you know almost everyone there, then started talking to the owner. Garou was just hanging around, looking at his phone, then the one patron who didn't greet you struck up a conversation with him. He obviously didn't care about what she was saying, and he even told her that he was married and had kids and pointed to you. That's when she started berating you. Not a good idea, you weren't in the best state of mind right now. You asked another patron for their empty beer bottle. After recieving the bottle, you casually walked over with a smirk, then abruptly smashed the bottle on the counter then held the remaining part to her throat.

"How about you say it to my face bitch?" You were still smiling, scaring the lady, "Not so confident now huh? Yeah that's what I fucking thought."

"Are you really with this crazy bitch?" The lady looked at Garou which gave you the chance to tackle her. Lucky for her, Garou has quick reflexes and grabbed you before you hit her. You were kicking a little but eventually stopped and just flipped her off while Garou dragged you out of the bar and apologized to the owner.

"Stay away from my family bitch!" Were the last words that came out your mouth before both if you were out of the bar. When you got out, Garou let go and you immediately stood up and looked him in the eyes with an innocent smile.

"You better be ready when we get home." He whispered in your ear, making you excited. You nodded eagerly and you turned around to walk to the car, Garou slapped your ass, making you turn around. Little did you know your kid was watching from the the car while your friend was on her phone.

"Auntie F/n, why did daddy hit mommy's butt?" Your friend looked to see you two flirting with each other as if nobody was around or watching.

"Um how about you watch this show with me."

"Okay!" He forgot all about what he saw. You two eventually got into the car, your friend knew that you two needed some alone time so she immediately took the kids to the mall.

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