Katsuki Bakugo(revisited)

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(A/n: couldn't take all the comments anymore so I completely redid the chapter. Hopefully this is better)

"Hmm. I don't know. It's just not... it- oh, hold on, I'm getting a call." I pulled out my phone and saw Bakugo's contact blaring on my screen. Mina rolled her eyes, she knew who it was just by the look on my face. I eagerly answered the call with a grin on my face, "Miss me already blondie?"

"O-oh uh *ahem* hey Y/n." My face scrunched up at the response.

"Kirishima? Why do you have Bakugo's phone?"

"Because we need help! He won't calm down and we figured-"

"Who better to feed to the fire than his girlfriend right?" You joked

"Well... kinda. But you're the only one who can- HELP HE'S COMING MY WAY! Y/-" I'm assuming Kirishima dropped the phone, I couldn't hear him anymore. I beckoned the girls over to hear what was going on. All we heard was Bakugo shouting at the top of his lungs, of course, and a few of the the other boys screaming for help. I tried to hold in my laugh after hanging up because I felt bad for the guys, but that was just hilarious.

"Okay. Let's go find them. This should be easy."

It was hella easy, you couldn't miss them with Bakugo's distinct voice and all the noise. The other girls weren't too sure about just walking in their and confronting him like that. But I didn't care, I waltzed right in there with my hands in my pockets. Looking around, a lot of the guys were out cold. I crouched down and tried to coat Sero awake and it was working. But then Bakugo started yelling and I felt Sero shudder. After apologizing to Sero, I stood up and took a few steps towards my enraged boyfriend.

"Bakugo shut the hell up!" I kept walking towards him, not really sure why but it seemed like the right thing to do, even if he's fucking crazy.

"WHY DON'T YOU MAKE ME-" Bakugo clenched his fists

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU YELLING AT?!" I grabbed the color of his shirt and glared into his eyes. He stalled, then physically relaxed. After I let go, a smirk appeared on his face as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"What a way to calm me down," he looked around and assessed the damage he did and snickered, "Fuckers couldn't stop me so they called you?" He was still smirking.

"Yeah. Not everyone can deal with your episodes, Bakugo," I looked around, Shoto and Deku weren't around. I wasn't surprised, they were smart not to stay. I also didn't see Mineta, strange, he's always around for some reason, "What even started this?" I tilted my head to the side and raised an eyebrow.

"Mineta..." he growled, "Bastard kept talking about you like he was your boyfriend or some shit and it pissed me off. So I punted him somewhere, I don't know where he landed." He grumbled. I couldn't hold in my laugh anymore. I pressed my forehead against his shoulder as I silently laughed and played everything out in my head.

"That's so mean," I breathed out after picking my head up, "We gotta check on him. Make sure he's still alive."

"He'll be fine." Bakugo grunted and pulled me closer.

"Messing with you? Not so sure. Help me look for him."

"Aw C'mon. You don't wanna make your poor boyfriend jealous do you?" He semi pouted

"Hey you're getting better at not being pissed, aside from what happened earlier," I lightly punched his chest, "Anyway, I don't want to make you jealous but we can't just leave everyone hurt like this, and potentially missing. C'mon and help me, you did this anyway." He let out an exaggerated sigh knowing I was right.

"God, you and sense of morals and righteousness and being nice and shit. Fine, I'll help. But you're spending the next two days with me, and me only." He grumbled.

"Sounds wonderful. Let me go tell the girls to help," he frowned, "and that I won't be free for the next few days." Bakugo's frown was turned upside down and he let me go.

"Fine. Let's get this over with. We have stuff to do." After shocking me with a slap on the ass, he laughed and I playfully shoved him and left to find the girls.

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