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King layed on Chastiefol in it's pillow form, admiring you from afar. You had fallen asleep in a tree and he happened to be in the area. King didn't want any harm to come to you, and he loved observing you, so he stayed and watched as you slept peacefully. After years of living in the forest, you learned your surroundings very well and know when something, no matter what it is, is different. You only catch glimpses of him sometimes. Usually it's just of his sacred treasure or his jacket or hair. He was drawn to you after seeing you interact with the forest and the animals. He found it adorable how much you cared for the baby animals and their parents. He adored everything about you and was too shy to make any kind of conversation. Everything was calm until he noticed that you had woken up and were frantically looking in the brush. King didn't know how to approach you or how he could help. A sudden wave of boldness washed over him and he flew over to you. He pushed his fear to the back of his mind and cleared his throat.

"E-excuse me? Are you looking for something?" He asked taking a quick look at the bush you were searching through.

"Yes actually. Have you seen a wolf cub about this big?" You mimicked the size with your hand, "He's a brown, white, and black. He has the cutest little eyes ever. Oh and he has a very distinctive birthmark. One of his paws are completely brown. Have you seen him?" You spoke quickly

"N-no. Why are you looking for him?"

"I just... have a bad feeling. There's been a lot of hunters in the area lately and he's just a pup. He can't defend himself. Will you help me find him?" You looked at him with so much hope and determination in your eyes. He was so enchanted and inspired by you. King nodded and you started your search.

Half an hour later, you heard the cries of an injured animal and you abruptly left King's side to find where it was coming from. He followed close behind as you neared the hurt animal. You weren't surprised when you saw the pup you were talking about earlier.

"Poor thing. You're stuck in a trap. Let's get you out of here," You kneeled down to the pup and dismantled the trap without hurting him. He had multiple injuries on his legs and side. You picked him up and held him in your arms. His injuries healed immediately and he was back to his usual playful self. King was amazed to see how you interacted with the pup up close. He was even more mesmerized.

"You're really good with that pup. That's so... adorable. I- did I just say that out loud?! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it- Well I did but-" he started freaking out while you searched for the mother.

"It's fine. I... think you're pretty adorable yourself."

"You- you do?" He blushed and looked at you hopefully.

"Yeah. I'm not around people much but you're still the most adorable guy I've seen." You smiled at him and swooned on his pillow.

"Oh wow. Is this a dream?" You were feeling confident and kissed him on his cheek. He almost exploded when you pulled away. King's heart started racing and blood rushed to his face.

*end of flashback*

"We've come a long way, haven't we?" You thought out loud as you remembered how you and King met.

"We have. It's been over a century hasn't it?" King rested his head on your shoulder

"Geez we're old. Let's go do something fun, you only live once." You pecked his forehead

"We're immortal."

"Exactly. So let's go have some fun!"

"You're so dangerous..."

"And you love it."

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