Satou Kazuma

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Traveling is fun. Whether it's by car, train, wagon, or foot. Well, traveling by foot isn't all that fun but it does have it's moments. Sometimes those moments are overshadowed by the searing pain that resides in your swollen, aching feet. Then there's nature and whatever is in it. Not to forget the many many obstacles on your path if you're going through the forest or something similar. That's exactly what's happening in your case. You agreed to travel with Satou and his group for a bit, seeing that you had nothing to do. It was a good idea and you were enjoying it for the most part until the group came to a ravine with a very flimsy bridge to cross it. The rest of the group would be able to cross it with no problem. You on the other hand, would have a problem, a big problem. You were bigger than the rest of them and it made you insecure and anxious. Having to cross the bridge just made those feelings even worse. Before you knew it, the group had already crossed the flimsy bridge that was inevitably going to break if you would've placed just one foot on it. They were all beckoning you over. Your body stiffened and you stood unmoving in front of the deteriorating bridge. Satou stepped forward and called out to you.

"Y/n come on!"



"I ah... maybe this is meant to be. Maybe this means it's time to part ways. It was fun traveling with you all, thanks for having me!" You shouted

"We're not leaving you. Come on." Satou motioned toward himself.

"Well how about you guys go on ahead. I'll find another route and meet you guys somewhere." You suggested, hoping he would take it.

"Y/n just come on. You'll make it, I promise. We're all here if something goes wrong." He held his hand out to you. You trusted him with your life and decided to go for it. You hesitantly stepped on the creaking boards, ready for them to break at any second. When they didn't, adrenaline and confidence rushed through your body and you continued across the bridge. It was much longer than you thought and you felt the color drain from your face when the boards creaked more and the bridge swayed in the air. You held onto the dirty, rotten rope and hoped you wouldn't fall. Your eyes darted from the bridge to Satou and the others then to the ravine below.

"Y/n don't stop now! You're almost there! Keep going!" Satou yelled to try to help you. It wasn't working, it only made you more nervous. The bridge started swaying more violently and you were getting even more afraid.

"I can't! It's too far... what do I do! I-" The bridge finally snapped and you plunged into the rapid waters of the ravine.

"Y/n!" The group yelled in unison. They all split up and were trying to find a way to save you.

You were slammed into the rocks and struggled to keep your head above water. The current was sweeping you away to God knows where. Fortunately this has happened before and you knew how to get back to the shore. Once you climbed out of the water you coughed and collapsed in exhaustion. Satou ran up to you a few seconds later. He was about to say something but was caught off guard when he saw your bandaged body, which meant your clothes were shredded. The bandages were ripped so more skin was visible. You opened your eyes and groggily looked at his reddened face. You were confused at first until you felt a cool breeze on the exposed parts of your body. You sat up and realized that you were almost naked. You scrambled backwards into a tree and covered yourself.

"D-don't look. Ah..." you looked around for anything to cover your almost exposed body.

"So... pretty... wow~" he whispered to himself. He wasn't trying to be a pervert but he just couldn't take his eyes off of you. His heart was racing and his feelings for you grew even more.

"H-hey. Give me your cape!" Your shirt was still pretty much intact so you were just going to wrap it around your waist. Satou took off his cape with a blush still on his cheeks. He quickly handed you the cape and looked to the ground with a blush.

Days later the two of you were alone in the forest, talking at the camp you set up, while the others did whatever. Out of nowhere, Satou layed his head on your lap and closed his eyes calmly. You were shocked by his sudden actions and poked his face to get his attention.

"You're so beautiful, you know that?" He opened an eye and smiled up at you. You blinked a few times and stared at him in confusion and concern. He put a hand on your cheek and you assumed he felt how warm it was since he laughed. He pulled you down to his height and kissed you softly. You were a blushing mess and looked away from him.

"I like you too. You could've just said it instead of embarrassing me like that." You grumbled.

"You're adorable."

"S-shut up!"

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