Eren Yaeger

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Eren's POV

"You're such a show off." I looked over at the chubby/curvy scout, Y/n. She had become a really close friend since we've been in the cadet corps. Then we got even closer when we joined the scouts and she was also noticed by Levi and semi joined the squad. She even gets along with Mikasa and Armin. She's so flawless with her e/c eyes, h/l h/c hair, s/t complexion, not to mention she's an amazing soldier. She's just so... dreamy.

"You're just jealous that I can kill more titans than you when you're not in your titan form." She nudged me with her elbow

"Whatever." I didn't have a good comeback so I backed down.

"I'm so tired. I just know this training is about to be hell. If I pass out, it was nice knowing you titan boy."

"You'll survive. You always do. And if you do pass out, me and the others will try our best to keep you out of Levi's wrath."

"That's cool and all but I hope you guys won't have to pick me up or anything. You guys would be passed out with me." She joked

Before I could say anything, Petra ran up to us with a frantic look on her face.

"Guys! Come quick! A village got attacked and they need us immediately!"

We both nodded and scrambled to get ready. Y/n looks so flawless doing anything. We ran to the stables and mounted our horses and met up with the rest of the squad. Levi gave us our orders and we all did our part.

"You wanna count kills again titan boy or are you afraid I'll beat you?" She challenged with a childish grin while helping a few civilians

"You're on!"

Sometime during the mission, we lost count and started getting overwhelmed. I also turned into a titan. Something about my titan for scared Y/n, I could tell. Even though she kept her distance, she would still cover me and make sure I wasn't overwhelmed. I try my best to return the favor. The fatigue had gotten the best of her and she started getting grabbed by titans left and right. She would always get out of it before I could help her. Y/n was resting near a tree and stayed getting swarmed by titans. I lost control and blindly started slaughtering titan after titan. My mind was blank and I hadn't realized Y/n was trying to get me to snap out of it until she was in my hand. I had grabbed her because she was flying around my face. The look in her eyes, the fear and hurt, snatched me out of my trance. The last thing I saw before we both passed out was Y/n's limp body.

*after the mission*

Y/n had been out cold for at least two weeks. Her state was worrying everyone, even Levi. The expeditions weren't the same. Nothing was the same for a while. After the second week, it was like every forgot she was in a coma. I was so confused until Mikasa told me she had woken up. I tried looking for her everywhere but she was nowhere to be found. Sometimes I catch a glimpse of her h/c hair but when I try to chase after the person they're gone. Sometimes I hear her voice or her laugh and try to follow it, but I can never find the source.

After a day full of training with Mikasa and Armin, I finally rested and leaned against a tree. My eyes were closed for a few minutes and so much had happened. Sasha got lectured for stealing food, Ymir was being Ymir, Jean was getting teased by everyone for his letters from his mom. But one voice really stood out to me. It was that angelic voice I missed hearing for the past few weeks. Sure she was cursing here and there but her voice was still angelic. I perked up and looked around. Her voice was getting farther and farther but I was determined to see her this time. She was complaining to someone about something but I couldn't focus on what it was. My focus was on seeing her again and apologizing to her and maybe confessing. The other person stopped walking causing the other person, who I was hoping was Y/n, to stop also. They had a childish conversation, but it was nothing out of the ordinary for Y/n, which brought my hopes up. Before they could leave, I rushed up to the duo. Before I had the chance to react, Y/n had already captured me in a hug.

"Eren... you're okay. Thank goodness." She avoided eye contact by holding onto me. She never calls me by my name unless she was being serious about something.

"Y-you were worried about me?" I felt my cheeks heat up

"Of course I was. Why wouldn't I be?"

"I mean... you did almost die because of me. I... I'm sorry about that. I just lost control when those titans were swarming you. Then I just couldn't get out of that trance until... until I saw how scared you were. I know you're kinda scared of me when I'm a titan and that may have made it worse. But I just need you to know that hurting you was the last thing I wanted to do. I was so scared that you wouldn't talk to me anymore or that you wouldn't trust me. That's the last thing I want... especially because I love you Y/n."

She looked me in the eyes with a serious expression and glossy eyes, something you'd never see on her face.

"Are you serious? Are you telling me the absolute truth?" She whispered lowly. I nodded at her, our expressions matching. A tear rolled down her cheek and she pulled me back into a hug. We hugged for a while, not paying attention to our surroundings. I already knew she returned my feelings without her saying anything. Her hugging me as tight as she could told me enough.

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