Let's talk about lemons for a sec

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Do you guys actually like the lemons I write? Like are they actually good lol?

Fr tho, I'm a little tired of writing lemons more than normal chapters, which is what's been happening lately. That's why I keep coming out with other chapters, to keep me sane.

A request from me to you, let's maybe chill on lemons for a little bit, my brain will overheat soon. I'm still going to write the ones that were requested. But I'd prefer normal chapter requests for a little while, then we can get back to the bombardment of lemons. I'm sorry for this if it's an inconvenience, but I just need a break from all that.

Also, when you request stuff, don't be shy if you already have a scenario in mind. I'd love to hear it, it makes me write faster and gives me more ideas for future chapters.

Also also, I'd love to know which oneshot is your favor in this book, and least favorite if you don't mind telling me.

Okay that's it. I hope y'all have awesome day and an awesome summer ✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽✌🏽


Y'all are so fucking nice. I love y'all lol

 I love y'all lol

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