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"Y/n I swear to God if you say 'ow' one more time..." Kakuzu threatened

"One, how dare you threaten me, your only friend?! Two, that alcohol burns so don't blame me. Three, you should've expected this."

"*sigh* I still don't understand how you managed to survive Pein's almighty push."

"I didn't. Kakuzu, I'm a ghost," I joked. He looked up at me with a death glare, "I was joking! I used a jutsu. I mean it worked but it took a lot out of me. Well that did and the fight did. But that's why I was unconscious." He laughed to himself.

"You're awfully cocky to fight Pein like that. But you lived to tell the tale, I'll give you that. What were you two even fighting about?" He finished wrapping my wounds and I handed him some cash. He counted it and handed me a wad of money to count as I spilled the tea.

"It was verbal at first, I swear. Anyway, as you know, I'm clingy. Not too clingy but I love spending time with my lover. We hadn't been spending time together at all lately. He usually ignores me because he's doing paperwork. The only time we're together is if I'm helping him with it and even then he doesn't talk to me unless it's business related. I offered to take care of him if he took a break and he refused every offer I made. So I got pissed and started yelling, he started yelling, I stormed out, he followed me, I got in his face, one of threw the first hit, then it turned into an actual fight. This is 350." I explained, handing him the counter money only to get another stack to count.

Kakuzu shook his head and looked at me.

"When will you learn?"

"Wh- how is this my fault?! He's the one who's been ignoring me! 120." I defended myself, handing him the money. Me and Kakuzu stayed in his room for a few hours, counting his money and talking about the situation. When I finally got tired of counting money, I said my goodbye and began walking to my room. Pein was standing in front of my door and I wasn't in the mood for him at all. So instead of sleeping in my room, I crashed with Konan, my other good friend. I was still awake in the middle of the night and she knew this. I was having trouble sleeping because the fight was still on my mind. 'Sure he blasted me through the forest and it hurt like hell but it didn't hurt as much as him defending not spending any time with me. It was like he just didn't want to be with me. So, the logical thing to do after a fight is step away and reevaluate the situation... and maybe provoke the other person a little bit, just a little bit. Seriously though, I'm going to be avoiding him for a while. Mainly because I'm scared of him but also because we need to calm down before we do something we regret. I hope this works out.' I thought to myself. My train of thought was interrupted by Konan saying:

"I saw the fight..."

"Who didn't?"

"It was magnificent! Especially when you were flying through the forest." She burst into laughter

"Bi- shut up. Go to sleep."

She laughed a little more and eventually said Goodnight and went to sleep. I decided it would be best if I did too. Otherwise, I'd immediately run back to Pein and I'm not ready to do that just yet.

*a week later*

Pein seems different. He's gotten paler and seems like he's lost weight. His eyes aren't as bright and he has bags under them. He called me into his room the other day. I assumed it was to make up. But my hopes were too high and the disappointment that hit me when he was just assigning me a mistake was unreal. Honestly, I was kind of scared he was going to start another fight with me. He sent Konan with me, which isn't a problem at all since I want to catch up on girl talk. We were walking back to the base, talking about the situation.

"I just want him to apologize or at least acknowledge our fight. I don't want go to him first because he's the one that started it... and because I'm too scared of him now."

"The great Y/n is scared of someone? Wow, this is serious." She said sarcastically

"Yeah. The great me is scared as hell of Pein. But I miss my tall carrot head so much." With a sigh, we entered the base and made our way to Pein's office.

Before I could even grab the door handle, Konan swung the door open and pushed me inside and I slammed into something hard. My eyes observed the area and I realized I had crashed into Pein's chest. It was a pretty hard collision and we ended up on the floor. I could hear her and the other members barricading the door so we couldn't leave.

"Konan what the fuck?"

"Make up and we'll let you out."

"Just wait until I get out of here. You better be ready."

I was already aggravated and the fact that I couldn't move made it worse. I tried to sit up but Pein wrapped his arms around my waist and held me down. I tried to wriggle my way out of his grip but to no avail. All the friction between our bodies caused both of us to be slightly aroused and we were too embarrassed to make eye contact.

"This... is a very inappropriate position, I know. But I need you to know that I'm sorry. For everything. I didn't mean what I said and I absolutely didn't mean to hurt you. Words cannot express how sorry I am and how much I miss you, my goddess. I've been a mess without you, I haven't done paperwork for the past week. Instead I've been crying over this stupid fight that shouldn't have even happened in the first place. You're right. I'm a terrible boyfriend and I need to spend more time with you. I will do anything I can to make it up to you if it means you'll be my goddess again, Y/n." He placed a hand on my cheek and gazed into my eyes.

"Hmmm... fine. I forgive you carrot top. But," I smirked and kissed him deeply. He kissed back and pulled me closer to him, "I'm sure you know where this is going. Let's start spending some time together." I whispered seductively in his ear.

Needless to say, Konan and the others heard more than they needed to and me and my loving boyfriend were united, in more than one way, once again.

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