Ichigo Kurosaki

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I'm not from the city of Karakura nor have I ever been there, so being assigned to the city, even though there's already a soul reaper there, is a huge headache in itself. Chile anyways... I had to be undercover as a student at the local high school. Today was my first day and I have a map of the city, but I'm not in the mood to look at it, since it's raining. I ran under a building with a protruding roof that would protect me from the rain, a boy who was much taller than me approached me. He was quite intimidating so the closer he got to me, the more I backed up. I'm never approached by guys, unless they're about play a cruel prank on me or just bully me, so I of course am very suspicious. 'I just got here! Nobody even knows me! How am I already about to get bullied?!' I thought to myself. As I was about to turn around and take off running, he asked me a question.

"Are you lost?" He shouted because of our distance

"U-uhh yeah. I am. How'd you know?"

"Well the school is the opposite direction and you're wearing the uniform. I can walk with you if you want."

"Thanks." I quickly walked up to him and he pulled out his umbrella and held it over the both of us.

"What's your name?" I asked

"Ichigo Kurosaki. What's yours?"

"Y/n L/n. I just moved here."

Me and Ichigo had a pleasant conversation on our way to the school. He was pretty kind but I'm not going to let my guard down just yet. We got to the school and I got a tour of a normal day. It seemed pretty normal and wasn't that bad until lunch. I forgot to bring a snack and I didn't want to go buy a lunch just in case some asshole was going to live up to their name, "asshole." I just sat at a table, alone, and started randomly sketching something. As I was minding my own business, a guy came up to me and slammed his hands on the table. It didn't startle me in the slightest which seemed to irritate him. So he put his large hand on my sketch. With an annoyed sigh, I looked up at him.

"You're the new kid, aren't ya?"

"No, I've been here for a while, you just never noticed me just like you never noticed that patchy beards and neck pimples aren't attractive." Everyone in the cafeteria snickered.

"You know what we do to smart mouth pigs like you?" He growled and I stood so I could establish that I wasn't scared.

"Absolutely nothing because you don't have the balls for it. I suggest you leave now, or this will get ugly." Ichigo interrupted. The guy reluctantly left and went on with his life.

"That was brave, L/n. I'm glad I got here in time though. He's pretty dangerous."

"Eh, I'm not scared. I've faced things worse than bullies." Ichigo sat down next to me and offered me some of his lunch. I politely declined, but he insisted, so I only took an apple.

The day went on and I was super self conscious because of the uniform. People were laughing when I passed by so that made it worse. I managed to make a few new friends that made me feel better. When the school day ended, Ichigo walked me home. I was rushing this morning so I forgot my key. So I was locked out.

"Dammit. I forgot my key this morning. I'm locked out. Well, I'll wait here until my parents get back. See you tomorrow Ichigo."

"When do your parents get back?"

"Its 2 pm right now... they get back around 8 or 9."

"There's no way I'm going to let you stay out here alone. Come on."

"Don't worry about it. I'll be fine."

Me and Ichigo went back and forth and I eventually agreed to stay at his house for a while. The walk there wasn't anything special. Ichigo offered me to sleep in his bed, but I turned him down and told him I'd sleep on the couch in case something happens. He was reluctant but didn't make a big deal about it. I ended up staying over night. I woke the next morning and saw Ichigo on the opposite couch.

*7 month time skip*

3rd person POV

Y/n and Ichigo became very close to each other. They did everything together, no matter what it was. They relied on each other and made the best team. The pair developed crushes on each other but were too embarrassed to admit it. After a long day of school and hollow fighting, Ichigo and Y/n were sitting on a bench at the park. The two sat next to each other while having a casual conversation. It was a pretty chilly night so they were pretty close together. His arm was around her waste and her cheeks were the rosiest they'd ever been. Y/n began to get sleepy from the warmth that radiated off of Ichigo's muscular body. Not wanting to hold her feelings back anymore, she voiced her feelings.

"Hey Ichigo... I-I really really like you. Like, I like like you... basically I love you. I know we haven't known each other for very long but I've had the hugest crush on you since we've met. It's okay if you don't feel the same but I thought you should know." She spoke somewhat quickly. Ichigo smiled and placed his hand on her cheek, tilting her head up to look at him. Y/n was too embarrassed to look at him but their eyes eventually met. He moved his face closer to hers and they shared a passionate yet shy kiss.

"I love you too, Y/n." They giggled and hugged each other tightly, savoring each other's warmth.

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